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Recap:dev falls asleep there holding priya's hands...

Next morning,

Aryan cries loudly and dev,Priya wakes up with jerk hearing

Him crying Priya runs to her room while dev follows her..

Priya:shh..Mumma had come right..now no more crying..

She tries hard to make aryan be quiet..

Priya:dev..If you don't mind get him milk to drink..

Dev nods and leaves from there..he gets milk and priya tries

To feed him but aryan doesn't drink..

Dev:let me..give me aryan to me..

Priya nods and gives him to dev and dev looks at her..

Priya:dev what happened why are you looking at me like in

A shocking way..

Dev:i was shocked Priya.. because he has a fever and you didn't

Realised it..


Priya holds him..

Priya:iam sorry..i didnt realised..we can leave to hospital come..

Dev nods..Priya holds aryan and dev drives them to hospital..

At hospital,

Priya and dev give aryan to nurse while she takes him to

Doctor..she asks them to stay there so they stay there and Priya

Sits on the chair holding her head in her arms..

Dev:it's ok..sometimes it happens..don't worry..he is still not

One year right..so you need to be more careful..

Priya nods..

Dev sits beside her holding her hands..while priya lays her

Head on his shoulders..a small smile appears on dev but he is

Still tensed for aryan though he is not his son but he still like

Or love him as he is kid..dev isn't so heartless that he can show

His hatred on him.. suddenly nurse comes there and calls them..

They leaves inside..

Doctor:so mr and mrs..

Dev tends to say while Priya holds his hand and says..

Priya:mr and mrs dev malhotra..

Dev gets confused as well as he blushes while reality struck him

And bring him into back..

Dev in mind:why the hell Priya said we are couple..i mean she

Would be not with her husband but..

Doctor:nothing to worry..he has normal fever but we want to

Ask Priya some questions as she is the mother..

Priya feels nervous..

Priya:i want to speak with you personally and i don't want

My husband here..

Dev nods and leaves..

Dev in mind:wait iam confused..i mean she is addressing me

As husband..ok as she said she is single..but that is not probably

Possible she herself told that she is marrying and what happened

All in a sudden..is she divorced him..??no iam crossing my limits

That shouldn't be happen because i know one day Priya will

Again leave me and reconcile with her so called husband for

Atleast her baby..

He suddenly sees priya's mobile ringing..seeing the display dev

Gets angry..Priya comes there holding aryan and sees the

Call and looks tensedly at dev..while dev breaks the phone in

Anger..priya doesn't say anything and follows him..

They both comes home..while priya places sleeping aryan on

Cradle and closes the door..

Priya:dev..wait iam gonna explain you..

Dev:i dont want any explanation..all you do is break my heart

As always..you only know how to break it..you don't know how

Much time it takes me to hold that broken heart together..

Why did you come to my life again..???

Priya:blame me..do you think only your heart broke??the thing

Is my heart too broke equally when i left you..you never give

Me to explain the things..that's the reason we are like this..

Now iam not gonna explain you..

Dev:then just get lost..i don't want to see you..

He suddenly sees aryan crying and leaves inside priyas room

As he know she will definitely do nothing when she is angry..

Priya opens the door and sees someone on the door step and


Priya:who are you..???

The man looks at her and then looks inside to see dev holding

Aryan and dev turns and gets shocked seeing him..

               STAY TUNED!!!

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