"Come on Mush, you can get me!" You grin as you hid behind a bed sheet hanging on a clothing line.

"Oh yeah dollface" He laughs and picks you up.

"Mush!" You squeal. "You better put me down".

"Ahh... no" He says. You laugh as he sets you down. He looks at your beautiful eyes.

"So are ya goona kiss me?" You whisper. He didnt say anything and smirked before laying his lips on yours.


You were sitting on the dock watching the water. Spot came over and sat beside you.

"What's da matter?" He asked you.

"How come you havent kissed me yet?" You ask him.

"What?" He said.

"Weve been together for a long time and you havent even kissed me" You say. "I mean you dont have to right now, but I'm just curious to know why. I mean i guess not all people gotta do it, but-

He rolls his eyes and smiles a little and pulls you close to him and kisses you.

"You didnt have ta-

He pulls you back and kiss you again.

"You know you talk a lot" He smirks. "I was waiting to kiss ya, but I guess today was finally the day".


You were very shy still when you were around him.

You sat on the steps of the newsies lodge building.

Skittery sat there silent with his eyes closed and his head back against the building.

Your thoughts where everywhere. You wanted to kiss him so bad.

Something came over you and you layed your lips on his.

He didnt even open his eyes, he just put his hand on the back of your head and continued to kiss you. After a full on makeout you pulled away.

He opened his eyes and grinned at you.


"Hiya beautiful" Crutchie says to you.

"Hi Crutchie" You laugh and kiss his lips.

"Woah!" He says.

Your smile dies down as you realize what you just did.

"A- I-I- I'm sorry Crutchie" You say.

"You didnt do anything wrong" He smiles. "We just ain't ever kissed and I was suprised".

You smile and look down.
(Debby ryan smirk. Lmao jk).


"So hows the business around here" Bumlets says.

"Ah you know busy as usal" You pick up some plates and set them on a tray. He helps you carry them to the back to be washed.

"Hey, hey" He says looking down at you shirt. "What's that?".

You look down confused. He tips your chin up and kisses you.

"What was that for?" You say out of breath.

"Your beautiful" He says."Coudnt help myself".


Swifty and you where dancing on the rooftop and playing around.

"There you go, you got it" He smiled.

You laugh and he turns you around. He dips you and looks into your eyes. Your breathing hitched up and he kissed you.

"I was wondering when you where going to do that" You smile.

You were goofing around with specs as he was the goofy type.

"Okay what do you call a cow with no legs?" You say.

"Dont knows" He chuckled.

"Ground beef" You reply laughing and so did he.

"Yous so beautiful" he admires you.

"I dont know about that" You laugh.

"What do ya mean ya dont bout dat, yous sure is" He says. You blush and look away. But he moves your head gently to his lips.

"I'd never thought I'd ever meet somone who is as kind as you" You say walking with itey at night.

"Oh yeah" He laughs.

"I'm glad that its you" You say and stop to look at him. He looks at you a gives you a small kiss, which you give back to him .
"I swear your always so happy" You smile at snoody.

"Cause I have you around angel" He smiles.

You didnt think and just kissed him right then and there. He smiled at you.

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