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You sighed a breath of relief as you finished up with the kitchen staff preparations. The entire hall was buzzing with decorators and wait staff. You tried to keep a brave face, focus on tonight but Bucky hadn't returned yet.

He does have a life...
What if he changed his mind?

You shook off the thought. Even if you were too much for him, he'd be the kind of man that told you to your face. He wasn't a coward. You leaned against the counter biting your lower lip. 

"Afternoon delight darling?" Loki said making you turn around. He held out a glass with a dark liquid. You took it and clinked his before sipping. The burn of the whiskey soothing your anxiety.

 The burn of the whiskey soothing your anxiety

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"Quit worrying," he said taking a sip. "Nobody throws a party like you." You smiled at his compliment. 

"Well I have you here," You said putting your arms over his shoulder. A blush ran across his face. 

"You still want me?" he nudged. "Now that you have a new play thing." 

"Don't call him that Lo," you said giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "You are still mine and you always will be." 

His fingers grazed across your arms as he brought your hands to his lip, placing a kiss across your palm. 

"Mistress!" Nico said urgently, pulling you quickly out of Loki's embrace. "We have a problem. A breach. Follow me." 

You rushed after him, Loki behind you as you reached your office door. 

"I came to put the briefs on your desk and I found this," Nico pushed open the door. You hadn't even stepped foot in your office since last night and now as you entered the entire floor was covered in dark purple rose petals along with shards of glass from your broken mirrors. 

As much as you wanted to believe Loki that the roses were coincidental and simply a gift from a patron, this was defiantly not a gift. This was a warning. Loki's arms enclosed you from behind. 

"Its okay," he whispered

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"Its okay," he whispered. You shook your head. 

"No, Lo he's here somehow," You choked out. He rubbed your arms. 

Losing Control (Bucky B. X reader X Loki) Where stories live. Discover now