West Household

That night, Cecile sat on her couch, already in her white dress from ladies night, sitting with her daughter Joanie, showing her the ultrasound picture. "This is so insane," Joanie said and Cecile smiled. "I can't believe you're gonna be a mom again."

"I know, well, you always wanted a sibling," Cecile said right when someone knocked at the door.

"And seven Doctor Whos later, you totally came through," Joanie said as Joe walked up to the door.

"You're a Doctor Who fan, Joanie?" Joe asked.

"Well, ever since he became a lady, I am. #Feminism," Joanie said and Cecile smiled before Joe opened the door, to reveal Cisco, Harry, Barry and Mon-El.

"Bachelor party!" Cisco yelled excitedly before stepping inside. "Girls, get out."

"Oh, that's our cue," Cecile said before she and Joanie got up.

"Hey, Barry, congrats on getting hitched," Joanie said and Barry looked her direction.

"Thank you!" He happily exclaimed before he stepped down into the living room to hug her. "I didn't realize you were in town."

"Well, I just stopped by for the weekend," Joanie said.

"Awesome. Good to see you," Barry said.

"You too," Joanie said before she and Cecile stepped up onto the front area.

"Have a good time," Joe said before he kissed Cecile. "Don't get too crazy. No drinking."

"Nope, Kara promised me a totally chill night that even my pregnant little booty can handle," Cecile said before looking at her daughter. "You should come with us, sweetie. You know, I'm sure Kara wouldn't mind."

"She wouldn't," Barry said from the couch. "She loves meeting new people."

"Uh, no, it's okay. I, um, I actually have plans. But I will drop you off," Joanie said.

"Okay," Cecile said with a smile, before she and Joanie headed for the door.

"Have fun," Joe said.

Once the girls left, Cisco immediately started to set up a screen while Harry started to pour drinks. "I'll get the lights, Harry will get the brandy- Hey, Harry, before you pour the brandy, make sure you warm the glasses-"

But Harry didn't listen to a word he said and just poured the brandy, giving a glass to Joe. "What?" Harry asked.

"For real?" Cisco asked.

"It's cool," Joe said before they all sat down on the couch with Barry.

Once the screen was set up, Cisco looked at Barry, and spoke with a British accent. "Barry Allen," he started and Barry wiggled his eyebrows at him. "Are you ready to have your mind blown?"


The five watched old clips of Barry, the first one of Barry as a baby. "Meet Barry Allen," Cisco said in a dramatic voice. "Before he met Kara Danvers, before he became an interdimensional time-traveling speedster, he was an adorable baby boy with Ewok-level chub."

The next clip that played was a toddler Barry Allen playing on a playground. "Ugh, those cheeks," Joe said smiling.

"Cisco, this is great, but where did you get these videos?" Barry asked.

"Man, I'm a ninja. Watch this part," Cisco said.

The next clip was of Barry, Iris and Joe playing at a playground, the two running around and Joe running after them. "Ah, you two were so young," Joe said and Barry smiled. "Damn. I was so young." He then looked down at his ultrasound, the feeling of pressure suddenly weighing on him.

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