Luce..? "Oh, great, yay..." Lucy sighed, "I feel like I'm gonna throw up again."

"Don't sweat it, Zeref's mean but quiet. He won't say much." Natsu tried to lessen her worry, but he couldn't fault her at all. Too much has been happening at once lately. "Hey... Let's just look at more baby pictures."

"Yeah, sure..."


"You!" As he opened the door to his house, Natsu was surprised to immediately be greeted by Gray's grumpy face. "Where have you been!?"

"...With Lucy." He could already tell his roommate would say something stupid, so he grumbled, "First you're pissy when I stay home and be bored, and now you're pissy 'cause I went out?"

"You were out for, like, 2 days! I don't want to be the only one looking after your fucking smelly ass cat!"

"Happy smells way better than you."

"Yeah, whatever, but he's your responsibility."

"He'd be fine for a couple days. I'm surprised you weren't too busy with your head up Juvia's ass to notice him."

"Shut up, she'll hear you."

"Oh, Juvia's here?" Natsu sighed, and his demeanor pissed Gray off for a whole new reason now.

"Yeah, she's here. Got a problem with that?"

They had a silent staring contest for 30 whole seconds before Natsu turned and started up the stairs. "Juvia!" He called on his way up, sending Gray into pure confusion.

"W-what?" Just as he thought, she was laying in Gray's bedroom, looking startled, "Natsu? What's wrong?"

"I need you to-"

"What are you doing?" Gray held Natsu by the shoulder, unsure if he was going to do something stupid. "Leave her alone-"

He shrugged him off and ignored him, "Juvia, I need you to hang out with Lucy."

"Uh... what?"

"Lucy... She's really sad and stressed out. I keep hearing that all her friends are too busy with their relationships to hang out with her. I need you to see her and make her feel better."

"Oh..." Juvia looked down as she thought about what he said. It really has been a while since all of their friend group actually spent time together, and he had a point. "Okay, yeah, Juvia will plan an intervention."

"Thanks. And tell the other's, Lucy could use the company."

"She's gotten sick of you already?" Gray teased, but Natsu turned to him with the most serious expression on his face,

"I don't know, but she's stressing herself out over being friends with me, plus she feels sick, and now Zeref wants to meet her. That on top of work and school has gotta suck, she needs a break."

The couple shuddered at the thought of Lucy having to meet Natsu's older brother, and Juvia nodded, "Yes... Stress is not good for the baby, too. We will all go and enjoy a relaxing activity together, but it'll be hard to arrange something where everyone is free..."

"I'm sure just telling her you wanna hang out would make her feel better. Anyways, that's all I wanted." Natsu left to his own room, Gray and Juvia sharing confused glances.

At his girlfriend's signal, Gray followed after his roommate and held the bedroom door open before he could shut it. "Hey... You been feelin' alright there, bro?"

Natsu wanted to roll his eyes, Gray was just yelling at him a moment ago. "I'm cool."

"You seem real worried."

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