The women start to feel something beating in their chest. This man was surely dangerous, but his charisma could not be ignored lightly.

This man was a bonafide Casanova.


The man waiting on the 30th floor looks at the elevator impatiently. But as the doors open, he saw two girls who looked like they went through an all-nighter orgy.

"Whoa, what happened to you both? Did the guy downstairs go hard on y'all?"

"N-no... Not him."

"So whom? How did he look like?"

"He... He said his name was Haitani Ran."

The man then put two and two together.

"Ah, him. You should be careful around him, he's a natural when it comes to ladies."

"No need telling us... We went through the hard way."

Finally, the two brothers have reached their desired floor. The place was a grand VIP suite. Rindou laid down his jacket on the sofa and slumped into it. Ran walked over to the bar counter and poured two shot glasses of Cognac.

"Here." Ran puts down the glass onto the coffee table for Rindou. His brother waves in reply.

"I'm tired..."

"You did hit eight people in a day, though. Not bad." Ran congratulated his younger brother.

"The car driveby was the shittiest assassination attempt I've ever seen."


"Stop with the damn 'hmm's, for fuck's sake."


Rindou gave up and took a short nap. Well, he only slept for 11 minutes before his phone vibrated in his pants pocket.

"Tch. What now..." He scratched his neck.

The phone displayed a call ID. It was Mr Katagawa from my class. He spoke to me about asking the hosts to extend the due date for my group project, but I didn't know who he was calling at the time.


"Hello, sir. It's me, Katagawa."

"Yes, I've seen the name on the caller ID." Rindou yawned.

"Terribly sorry to interrupt your busy schedule, but I was wondering if you could postpone the deadline for the design contest?"

"You must have a good reason for such a request, yes?"

"That I do. One of my students was kidnapped for a whole day, and she had to rest for two weeks." He spoke. "I know it's unfair, but I hope you could change your mind."

"You want me to change a whole entire schedule because a student was abducted? Sounds like a lame excuse." Rindou yawned again.

"But it is true! Please, sir. I urge you, an extra week, that's all I ask of. I'll make sure my class presents wonderful ideas for your career."

"... One week. Nothing else."

"Thank you, sir! No wonder you are the vice-president of HRR Fashion, one of the top-notch fashion design agencies in the world!"

"Flattery shall get you nowhere."

"I know, sir. Farewell for now."


He flinched.

"Dammit, I'm starting to turn into Ran..."

Rindou signed off and pocketed his phone back. He looked around. Ran was absent. He stood up and walked to the refrigerator to get a snack. There, he saw a note.

Dear Rindou,

Left to pick up groceries. Will be back by 7pm. There's my homemade soup in the fridge, top shelf. Microwave 3 minutes and enjoy~


So Rindou did exactly that. He placed the cling-wrapped bowl into the microwave and waited for 3 minutes.

*slurping noises*

*lips smacking noises*




"Ran, your soup sucks."

Rindou scratches his neck again. And that neck had a rectangular tattoo, identical to the one his brother has.


The Blue Ogre Owns A Bar (female reader x Kawata Souya) *TOKREV SPOILERS*Where stories live. Discover now