Chapter 23

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"So your new movie trailer Marked love just dropped, how are you feeling about that" JImmy fallon said. "Man, great im so excited about it. This has to be one of my favorites movies i ever did even though we still have months to finish" i smiled as the audience cheered.

"What has this movie taught you so far?" Jimmy asked

"Uhm that even the coldest heart deserves love no matter what you've done or how cold you are and that one person can light up and replace the darkness in you" i smiled. "Im actually super excited to watch the film but how does ariana feel about you being in a steamy love scene with Dakota Johnson?" he smiled

"Man she was not excited about that" i laughed as well as he and the audience did "But she understood because its for work but she said she have to be there for that scene" i smiled. "Ill pray for you" he laughed

"Please do" i smiled and soon he ended the show

I walked backstage to go get ready for dinner at joans house but im running a late so i hurried to my car and made my journey to joans house. When i got there i seen everybody car was there so i hopped out and knocked on the door and i was soon greeted by Victoria

"Wheres my favorite grande at?" i smiled walking through the house and ariana went in the kitchen im guessing with joan

"Hey sexy" nonna laughed which made everyone laugh."Nah you the sexy one" i smiled and walked in the kitchen. "Hi Joan, i missed you" i smiled and hugged her

"I miss you too" she pecked my cheek. "Hi ariana" i said and she ignored me im guessing because i fell asleep last night. "JESSE!" Frankie ran down the stairs and jumped on me

"Frankie, your too big" i laughed and he jumped down. "Ariana did you get the chesse that i asked you to pick up last night?"Joan asked. "Nope i totally forget" Ariana said with wide eyes

"Ill run and go get some" i smiled and grabbed my keys. "Ariana go with jesse" Joan Said focusing on the next side. "Uhmm mom shes grown why cant she by herself?" ariana looked at me and rolled her eye.s

"I wasnt asking i was telling you bye" Joan said. "Ooooohhh you better before you get hit" Frankie teased her. "Fine" Ariana grabbed her phone and bumped my shoulder and walked to the door.

"ill be back , god give me the stregnth" i said and walked behind ariana to the car


We just picked up the cheese and ariana is still ignoring me she is really mad at me for falling asleep. So I parked the car behind some building and turned it off

"So your gonna ignore me all night?" i smiled and she still didnt respond "Ariana" still no response "ARIANA!" i yelled. "Why are you yelling?" she rolled her eyes. "Because you hear me talking to you" i said looking at her

"I hear you talking but im not listening" she got back on her phone. "Okay i got something for you" i said and started the car and starting driving back to Joans house. Shes being so irraiting but okay she wants to ignore me okay let the games begin


When we got back to joans house i got out first and locked ariana in the car i heard her let out a scream of anger i just smiled and brung the cheese in the house. "Heres the cheese ma" i said and sat on the couch next to Camila

"Wheres ariana?" Joan and camla asked. "I locked her in the car" i shrugged and ariana stormed in the house. "JEESE! im going to kill you she said and i got up and ran upstairs so i ran her old room door and into the closet . I heard her footsteps coming in the room.

"Jesse come out you big pussy" she said looking around the room i guess she didnt see me so she turned around to walk out but my foot hit something and it started to sing i looked up to see ariana smiling. "Gotchu" she said and opened the closet door

"Thats not fair " i put my hands up and she hit me and turned around to leave but i seen a pillow in her closet so i threw it at her and she stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around. "Im sorry, bambi lets talk this out okay" i said walking out the closet and walking away from her. She closed the door and locked it and slowly walked towards me.

"Bambi you love me, right" I said and she nodded and walked closer. "If you loved me you wouldnt hit me or kill me" i said holding my hands up. She picked up the pillow and started hitting me with it. "You thought that was funny" she said with each blow to the pillow. She swung the pillow again and i got it and picked her up

"Put me down" She started hitting my back as i carried her to the bed and pinned her hands down. "Are you gonna stop hitting me" i asked and she said. "No, you hit me first asshole" she said trying to get out of my hold but i know what she want from me

I came closer to her lips "Bambi" i said with my mouth fanning over hers. "What" she staring into my eyes. "Are you gonna stop?" i said looking back at her eyes. "No im not, what are you gonna do about it?" she smiled and bit her lip


I let go of one of her hands and brung my hand down on her thigh inching closer to her area. I put my hand in her panties and rubbed her lips so softly i heard her breath hitch. "Jesse my mom is downstairs" she breathed out

"That means you have to be quiet" i smiled and put one of my fingers inside of her and she gasped. I was going painfully slow. "Y/n please" she moaned softly and with that i went a little faster but not fast enough to her liking

"ill give you what you want just ask me bambi" i curled my fingers hitting her gspot and she moaned a little to loud. "Y/n please go faster" she grabbed my hand and pushed my hand deeper. I sped up just a little more and starting scissoring my finger hitting her spot every time

"I dont like it when you ignore me bambi" i said against her neck as i kissed her sweet spot while my fingers are ramming inside of her at a inhumane speed. "Im sorry but please dont stop" she said as her legs starting shaking and she started getting to loud so i put my hand over her mouth just in time to muffle her screams from her orgasm .

"Are you okay" i smiled and she looked at me with a sleepy smile.

"Yes im fine now, but tonight its all about you" she said as she took my fingers and sucked her juices off. "im down" i smiled and soon we went back downstairs to see if the foods done.

"Ma tell me the food is done" i said rubbing my stomach as Ariana was slightly limping to the couch. I looked at her and smiled.

"Yes its been done we have been waiting for you" Nonna said while Victoria and Alexa was in deep conversation with ariana most likely about what just happened upstairs

"Okay Guys, lets eat" Joan said prepping the table and soon we all was sitted ready to eat her Vegan lasagna


After eating and having conversations we left to go home because everybody is having a busy today tommorow. So i just got out the shower and ariana is laying down in the bed on her instagram and talking to me about her album.

"Babe i think im gonna release 7 rings next" she said as i walked out with a towel and sports bra on. "Yea thats my favorite song" i smiled as i put on briefs and laid down next to her and she bit her lip and looked at me.

"What" i said as i got under the covers. "Ion know why you got dressed. tonight is all about you" she smiled and put her phone the nightstand tonight is gonna be a long night



PLEASE COME BACK (ARIANA/YOU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz