Chapter 21

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There was blood and alot of it. Ariana is just sitting there frozen looking down at the blood.

"Ariana" i walked closer to her "come on we have to go to the emergency room" she wiped and pulled her pants up. I got her some crocs and a hoodie and soon we sped to the ER. 

When we got there i ran and opened her door and i picked her up and ran inside

"My girlfriend needs help, she pregnant and there's a lot of blood" i said to the lady at the front desk and she called somebody and a bunch of doctors came and took her to the back. 

I called Camila and Joan to come to the hospital because i felt like ive been waiting for hours and when they finally arrived i broke down in Camilas arms

"What if she lost the baby?" i cried. "shh its gonna be okay, she got this" she rubbed my head  but it didnt feel like it was gonna be okay and soon the doctor came out.

"Are you guys here for ariana?" he asked he had a very deep voice 

"Yes, im her wife and this is her mother and her friend. How is she and the baby" i said trying not to cry he looked at me and took a deep breath.

"Ms.Grande is fine but she has suffered from a miscarriage" he said and the tears fell freely "Im sorry, we tried everything we can" he said

"Can i see her?" i sadly said 

"Yup, right this way" he said and Joan and Camila waited for me to have my time with her first. 

When i got to the room Ariana looked hurt and her eyes were so puffy. "Y/n im sorry" she cried and i walked to her and held her and we cried together. "Its not your fault baby" i said 

"It is my fault, i haven't been honest with you" she said wiping her face .

"What do you mean" i said confused and she wiped her tears. Took a deep breath and spoke 

"After we found out the gender the doctor told me that the baby isnt healthy and isnt getting enough protein" and im just looking at her with a confused face.

"Even before i found out i was pregnant i wasnt taking care of myself and some days i dont take my vitamins or eat. Im-im so so sorry y/n" she cried and i backed up from her feeling this angry type of sadness. 

"Why didnt you didnt think to tell me" i said with so much angry

"Ariana you were pregnant and you didnt take care of our little girl" i said trying to understand all this new information that i just had got.

"How fucking selfish can you be, this is your fault!" i said and both of our tears were just falling. "y/n, im sorry i just been so stressed" she put her head in her hands 

"Im right here instead of telling me, you keep it to yourself and now my baby- my babygirl is gone" i cried.

"you-you" i said not being able to finish my sentence. I slammed the door. I heard her let out a cry and it almost broke me. I wiped my face and walked back to the waiting room to see camila and joan sitting down. "You guys should uhm go back there. i need to leave" i said holding back my tears.

When i got in the car i sped off to Duas house. I know i should go over there but i need to tell somebody this. Carter is on a date and i dont want to ruin it so im going to duas. 

When i pulled up to duas house i got out and knocked on the door "Jesse, what are you doing here?" she opened the door halfway and i just broke down. She was quick to grab and she walked us to her couch where i just cried and she whispered sweet nothings to me.

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