"Are you safe to drive?" I asked , looking out in front of me rather than directly at him. This car reeks of alcohol so I wouldn't be surprised if Gavin's WAY over the legal limit.

However , he nodded his head , released the hand brake and then pulled off again , turning his headlights onto full beam in order to be able to navigate through this poorly lit part of town.

"Yes.." he replied bluntly.

The hospital is a good hour's drive away into the city , so , I positioned my elbow on the door and leant my cheek on my fist ; I'm too anxious to even try and sleep , but I'd say staring out of the window into space is probably the next best thing.


"Alice Matthews?" I asked the lady behind the front desk of the hospital.

After clicking a few keys on her keyboard and scrolling the wheel on her mouse , she looked back up and shot me a friendly smile. "Room 313 on the third floor.." she told me.

"Thank you.." I said , before Gavin and I rushed over to the lift which fortunately was already on our floor , meaning we didn't have to stand there wasting time by waiting for it.

Upon reaching mum's room , I gave the door a light knock and then opened the door slowly and quietly. I then peaked my head round the door before walking in , mum was already turned to face me as I entered the room.

"Hi baby.." , she said with a slight tired slur.

I smiled and then immediately took the seat next to her bed , leaving Gavin to close the door behind us. Mum reached out and took my hand , giving it a gentle squeeze before raising it up to her lips and placing a light kiss onto the back of it.

I smiled softly , "How're you feeling?" I said quietly , conscious of the fact she was probably hyper-sensitive to sound after what had happened.

"I'm okay , baby..I'm okay.." , she told me , flashing me a weak smile.

I felt my eyes beginning to well up with tears , I feel so guilty for not being with her when it happened , and looking at her now so weak and feeble, I so wish I could take her pain away , she's been through enough already.

In a moment of both blissful , yet also painful silence , Gavin walked around to the other side of mum's bed , gently cupped her jaw with one hand and gave her cheek a soft kiss , delicately brushing his thumb across her skin.

There's no denying that Gavin is a dick ; he treats me like shit and he doesn't take on any of his responsibilities. However , there's a small part of me that still appreciates him ; if anything , he really does love and care for mum. Yes , he gets sick and tired of having to wait on her every necessity and prerequisite sometimes (not helped by the fact he drinks copious amounts most days) , as would anybody in our situation. But at the end of the day , although he gains nothing from it , he still sticks around for her.


"Bye mama.." I whispered, leaning over her bedside to give her a gentle hug.

Gavin and I have been here the last two hours , both of us sat on either side of mums bed , sitting and talking with her as she'd been resting and also eating her dinner.

After she finished her food , the nurses gave us another fifteen minutes before we had to leave. The fifteen minutes is now up and we're being ushered out of here like sheep by a sheepdog.

"Bye baby." she replied as she kissed my cheek.

Gavin was waiting out in the hallway as I said goodbye to mum ; his foot propping open the door for me.

I flashed mum one last smile before slowly walking out of the room and gently shutting the door behind me , sighing at the clicking sound it made once closed.

"Do you need to go anywhere or am I dropping you straight home?" Gavin said as we walked towards the lift.

"Home's fine.." I replied.

The doors of the lift slid open and revealed the empty elevator ; I stepped in first and Gavin followed after me , he clicked the button that would take us down to the ground floor and then we both stood in silence as the doors closed in front of us.

"Do you have a job yet?" Gavin piped up , breaking the silence.

I shook my head , "No..I've looked but nobody's employing teenagers it seems.." I replied.

It's true , I've been looking for a job for a while and have gone into practically all the shops and businesses in my local area asking if they're looking for new employees , but most of them don't provide working hours that kids my age can facilitate due to having to also attend school. I have money , but I do wish I had some left over at the end of each month to do with what I please.

"Well my mate Nick has just got the manager job at Wetherspoons in town and he's looking for new staff..I can ask if he'll take you for an interview for the later shifts?" Gavin told me.

My eyes widened , that actually sounds perfect. "Wait really?" I said , feeling myself becoming excited over this opportunity.

Gavin nodded , "Yeah I'll send him a text now if you want?"

I think seeing mum in hospital has done something to Gavin,  because this whole being helpful and not treating me like something stuck to the bottom of his shoe thing is very new? Maybe it's just because he's supposedly sober?

Nevertheless , I eagerly nodded my head as a small grin crept onto my expression. "Thank you.." I said , although it still pained me to say anything that showed him any gratitude.

His phone already in his hand , Gavin presumably pulled up Nick's contact in order to send him that text.

The lift doors then opened and so Gavin and I exited the lift and made our way towards the hospital exit.


Gavin's phone pinged with a notification as he pulled up in front of the house. I sat and waited as he checked to see who it was as I  was hoping it was news on if I got the job interview or not.

"Yep , you've got an interview.." Gavin said , his eyes still focussed on his phone screen.

I smiled , "What time?"

Gavins eyebrows furrowed , "Haven't you got school tomorrow?" , he asked.

I shook my head , "I mean yeah but I can just miss it of the times clash , It'll only be one day.." I replied.

"It's at eleven tomorrow morning , can you get there?" , he said.

I nodded my head , took off my seatbelt and opened my passenger's side door , "Uh huh , tell him I'll be there.." I responded , climbing out of the car.

Gavin nodded , and so I shut the car door behind me and ran up to my doorstep as he drove away down the street.

Upon getting into the house and revelling in it's warmth , I locked the door behind me for the night and then flopped down onto the sofa , tucking my legs underneath me for comfort and picking up the TV remote in preparation for a long night of episode-after-episode of The Great British Bake Off.

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