"He's so hot, your such as bitch!" Karl said as he mumbled into the pillow. George laughed.

"Yep can I show him the pic?" George asked

"Go for it, don't show my nudes though." Karl said laughing.

"Why did you sent me those?" George asked.

"In my defense I was drunk!" George laughed.


"Sure! Lemme turn  my LED's on and prop my phone."

Karl turned his LEDs a dark purple and propped his phone on his nightstand. He hit the facetime button and waited for George to pick up.  

"Hi Georgie." Karl said.

"Hi Karly, how are you?" George asked.

"Not the best George, OH! But I bought new high thighs." Karl said slipping some high thigh socks on and lying face down with a lolly pop in his mouth slightly raising his head. 

"With what money?" George joked as Karl stuck the finger a him.

"Oi, you were going to help with that but nOoO your too busy!" Karl snapped. 

"Sorry, sorry i'm doing it chill!" George whispered. Karl smiled at his best friend.

"Hey i'm tired imma sleep but i'll text you in the morning!" Karl said and waved at the phone.

"Bye Karl!" George said and hung up.

"Baby you are very chaotic with him." Dream said walking around the counter.

"Yeah, he's the best." George said sighing.

"Do I really radiate big dick energy?" Dream asked George.

"Yeah but I agree your eyes make you look like a bottom." George said shrugging as Dream groaned. 

"So~ Sap what do think of Karl?" George said to Nick who was leaning against the door. He flipped the phone showing a picture of Karl in a skirt with a lolly pop in his mouth.

"Oh he's so hot." Sapnap said as he took the cigarette out of his mouth.  

"You wanna date him?" George asked texting Karl.

"Sure." Sapnap said shrugging and blushing.

"Cool your picking him up at 11am tomorrow to go shopping." George said unenthusiastic. Sapnap smiled and nodded. He then left to his room falling into a deep slumber.

"OI SAP YOUR DATES IN AN HOUR!" Dream shouted from downstairs. Sapnap rushed up and got changed into a white dress shirt and a collared long sleeved shirt. He then left downstairs and saw Dream and George cuddling. 

"Hey love birds imma go see Karl have fun!" He said as he walked out the door, he plugged in the address that George gave him and began to drive. Once he got to the apartment block he saw a boy waiting for him out side. He had small denim shorts and a black turtle neck, he had a lolly pop between his cherry red lip and some black boots on.   

"Hey Karl!" Nick said a he stepped out of the car, Karl smiled and walked over slowly taking the lolly pop out and holding it in between his fingers. 

"Hi Nick!" Karl said as he walked up and smiled at Nick. Karl was short like almost 3 inches shorter than Nick. He tilted Karls head up and looked at his lips for consent. Karl nodded and they kisses, it wasn't horny or needy or clingy it was just right for the two of them.

"Wanna go shopping?" Nick said as he got in the car.

"Sure!" Karl said as he changed the music. They began to drive and talked like they had known each other for 100 years. Soon they pulled into the car park and both got out of the car. Karl skipped ahead like a small child while Sapnap looked at this boy with love, he loved everything about Karl it was hard to describe but it was true. But they had just met? 



So Nick decided to shoot his shot.

"Hey Karl, will you be my boyfriend?" He asked nervously. 

"Yes!" Karl said as he stopped to let Sapnap catch up. He interwind their hand together.

"Baby where do you wanna go first?" Nick asked as the walked endlessly around the shopping center floors.

"Hey can I get new shoes?" Karl asked, his voice shaking as he was clearly nervous.

"Of course, baby!" Nick said as they began to walk towards the shoes. Karl ran through the isles and picked out four pairs of shoes, designer shoes, which he thought were way too many but Nick insisted.

"Hi how are you today?" The lady at the register asked she sounded sarcastic but Karl shrugged it off.

"I'm great how are you?" Karl asked as he stacked the shoes on the register counter.

"I'm wonderful!" She said every more sarcastically and smiled sickly.  "Uh sir you may want to put 3 of these back." She said pushing 3 of the 4 boxes back.

"Sorry ma'am i'd like to get all of them." Karl said and he smiled sickly.

"Okay?" She sad sarcastically and rolled her eyes. She scanned them. " $20, 034 is your total." She said thinking that he's be surprised. He tapped Nicks card. A green box came up reading approved and Karl walked away.

"Oh my god she is a bitch." He whispered

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