Icarus (ChangMinHyunLix)

Start from the beginning


Felix could usually withstand any sort of bullying with his head held high but, as he watched the coke seep into the soft, slightly worn fabric of his favorite skirt (the first one his mother had bought for him), he couldn't help but lower his head in hopes the bullies wouldn't notice the tears brimming his eyes. And then, as if that wasn't enough, one of them reached out and grabbed the hairpin adorning his head, mercilessly ripping it off along with a few strands. Felix cried out in pain, belatedly realizing the bully now had his precious hairpin in his hands.

"Give- give it back!"

But when he tried to reach out for it, another of the three bullies punched him in the face, making him collapse to the floor. It was the first time any of them openly laid a hand on him and, as pain bloomed in the side of his face and the taste of blood filled his mouth, he couldn't hold his tears back any longer. 

He could feel the eyes of the other students weighing on them, and it only added the bitter feeling of humiliation to the whole ordeal. Not only was he being openly bullied, but not a single person was even willing to step in and help him out. And now, his skirt was soaked and dirty, his face was already swelling, and his hairpin...

"Fucking faggot," spat the bully, throwing his broken pin on the floor. "Stop crying like a little bitch and start acting like a real fucking guy."

Felix could only sob harder, unable to even muster the strength to get up. He felt humiliated and hurt and absolutely exhausted and he simply wished he could curl up in his mother's arms again—

"Yah! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

The unexpected shout made Felix's breathing hitch, and he lifted his head just in time to see a random guy suddenly step between him and the bullies – and then without warning, he punched the one who'd hit Felix before right in the face. The guy stumbled back with a shout, and Felix's miraculous savior shook his fist threateningly at the other two, who'd frozen in place.

"It's easy to hit someone when it's three of you against one – let's try to make it fair, hm? Come on, fucking punch me too if you dare!"

Felix was so dumbstruck by the fact that someone had actually dared to step in, he didn't even notice another person had crouched beside him until their hands tentatively met his shoulder. He startled violently, shooting a wide-eyed look at the guy beside him. He had a bit of an intimidating expression, but it quickly vanished as he smiled softly at him.

"Come on, up you go," he said gently, helping him back to his feet.

"Yeah, that's it! Just run away like fucking cowards!"

The shout made both of them glance back at the first guy, who was screaming after the three bullies, who'd apparently decided to scram. Satisfied, he turned around to face Felix and his friend, and Felix was a bit taken aback by how beautiful he was – long, dark hair framed his face, and he actually reminded Felix of a model.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" he cooed, gently cradling Felix's injured cheek.

The freckled boy flinched. "I- I'm okay."

"Aish, they really did a number on you... Come on, let's get you out of here."

"W- wait!"

He quickly picked up his broken hairpin, gazing sadly at it before carefully tucking the two pieces away. He then allowed his two mysterious saviors to guide him outside, the weight of all of the other students' stares somehow lessened as he finally had people to carry the burden with him.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now