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I wonder if gets dizzy from keeping sitting up and lying down so fast.

"Ana," His voice is deep and low, a warning? A threat?

I lay down on my side and he is sitting down next to me, looking down in the dimmed light. At this moment I can't see the color of his eye, but his other eye is bright red.

Does he want to have sex or not?

"Ana, touching, isn't the same with sex. And thank you for your permission but I don't think I will be able to stop once I start," Malcolm says firmly.

His penis is stiff and pointing up. That doesn't look comfortable at all. I wonder if he feels any pain. I instinctively reach up to rub the pain away, but the moment the tip of my finger touches him there, his whole body jolts.

He calls me again but it's barely audible. It comes deep inside his chest and trapped inside his gritted teeth.

Did I do something wrong? Should I make the first move? If his reproduction organ is ready it means that he does too, right? Am I reading this wrong?

You don't want to have sex?

"Jesus!" He hisses, jumping out of the bed and gripping his hair. He is pacing inside the small space like a caged animal, biting his own fist and breathing hard.

Why does he agitated? Did I say something wrong?

Malcolm steps in front of the bed and kneels, both hands are plat on the mattress while his head bowing low. "Ana," He calls me with a fake calmness. "There is nothing more I want to do right now than to have sex with you. But, I don't know if you're ready, I don't know if you're sure, and I don't want you to regret it in the future," He explains to me.

I reach for his face and rub my thumb where the metal and his skin meet. I think it's honorable of him to think about me, and not only think about what he desires.

I don't know anything about it.

"Fuck!" He curses immediately. Malcolm falls on his behind and sits on the floor unmoving for a while, he looks up at me and again runs his hand over his face. "That shouldn't excite me, fuck it shouldn't!"

He is excited? I have to say me too. It'll be a new experience for me.

I crawl on the bed and sit next to him on the floor.

How do we start?

Malcolm looks to his side at me, and stares for a long moment.

"Are you sure?" He asks.


"Do you think you're ready? Physically?"

I look down at myself, at my breast which I got from my mother, and my narrow waist going wider at my hips, and I look back at him, I'm ready.

Malcolm looks up and closes his eye. "Human... female, has this thing called the hymen, it's a... tissue inside your vagina, when the female is engaged in intercourse for the first time, most of the time the male has to break it, which can cause discomfort even pain," Malcolm explains.

"I don't want to hurt you," he adds.

I stare at his red eye and traces, what if I don't have that?

He slowly closes his eyes, "I'm trying to give you the opportunities to change your mind,"

Why would I want to do that?

"Because sex is... sex is intimate, and you only get intimate with someone you have a strong feeling with, at least for me,"

My heart stops for a beat, he has a strong feeling with me?

I have a strong feeling with you too. I admit, tracing the words slowly.

Then I'm pulled, then I land on top of him, then I feel his arms around my waist, before I can process what is going on, I realize he presses his lips on mine.

What is he doing?

He bites my lower lips lightly and I will my body to relax and let him lead. Perhaps this is how humans begin intercourse? I put my hands on his shoulders, paying attention to what he is doing, he wants me to parts my lips I think, so gently I do.

Malcolm opens his mouth can I feel his lips, and even his thick, textured tongue. He tastes fresh, like the steam of cleanser he just cleaned his body with. Everything about him is warm and firm, and I feel comfortable in his embrace.

"We need to practice more on kissing," He says finally, giving small kisses on my jaw. "I will teach you how," He says kissing the side of my neck. "But you have to promise me, that you will never kiss anyone but me," Then he playfully bites me in one spot where my shoulder and my neck meet.

Then my body gives up.

Malcolm catches me, his strong arms are wrapped around me as my body seems to reboot itself. A strange deep, sighing-like sounds past my lips, which I have no idea why I did. But I know that that little bite he gave me just disconnected my mind from my body. My mind suddenly feels empty but my body feels alert.

I hear a light chuckle and look up at him.

"Good spot, huh?" He leans down for the exact spot where he bit me and gives it a few wet kisses. The strange noise came out of me again and my body feels like I'm electrocuted. My hands are fisted tight next to me and my thighs are clamping shut. My head rolled to the other side giving him more access to that wonderful spot I never knew I have.

I feel his arms underneath me, and the next thing I know, I'm bouncing on the bed. His hands are running on my arms, pushing me flat, unable to move from the bed. He attacks that spot with his lips, tongue, and teeth. The longer he spends time there, the tighter I press my thighs together.

I feel freeze burn inside me, or cold fire running through my veins, I don't know which one, but it's giving me such an unfamiliar sensation I don't know how to deal with it. Does it feel good? Yes. But it's at the border of too much I feel like I will burst out of my skin.

Malcolm on the other hand is oblivious to my difficulty, he seems to enjoy his newfound activity and shows no sign of stopping or slowing down. And turns out, I have a few more of these spots which makes me let strange noises out of my mouth.

There is something about the way he uses his strength on me to pin me down and stop me moving, it does something to the fire/ice inside my body. Knowing that there is a man on top of me, causing a whirlwind inside of me, strong enough to keep me from moving away, strong enough to hold me still and stoke that fire inside of me, going higher and higher.

I have no idea I will feel like this.

I have no idea he can make me feel like this.

I hear a full-sentence composed only with swear words when I feel my body plate disappear. He stops, and I'm ready to yank his hair back to where he was before. I need him, I need him to keep doing what he was doing because he opened a door inside of me I never knew I have. He pulled me into a room I never imagined existed.

Malcolm entwines our fingers together and pulls himself up, away from me.

"Last chance," he says in a raging breath. "Because past this second, you will have to kill me to keep me away from you, and by all the energy in this universe, I can't be killed easily,"

Thank the suns he is finished talking.

I part my thighs to relieve my legs from the cramp because I had been clenching them for so long. He nestled there quickly, almost spontaneously, and it alarming how perfect he fits there.

"Ana," He calls me, taking off his shirt gracefully with one swing on his magnificent arm. "Touch me,"

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