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Just as they planned, the duo met at Jimin's home that day. And they spend the time helping each other with the notes and practice sheets. That study marathon was helpful especially to Jimin because he has missed out a lot because of the trip to Busan.

But thanks to Areum who has sent all the study materials and notes from the days he was absent it didn't take much of their time before sorting everything out. Even though Jimin was chill about it, Tae couldn't stop himself from wondering about Areum's intentions.

C'mon!! How can someone be so selfless like that? But he didn't press it because he knew Jimin was already losing his mind due to some reason which was unknown to Tae. And he has no idea how Jimin would react if he ever brought up the question about that loyal friend of his.

Anyway, after his stay at Jimin's, Tae went to his home in Busan the next day. He pushed off every negative thought aside by putting his full concentration on his studies and that actually helped a lot.

And when he went back to Bangtan once the leave was over, he tried to stay out of any kind of trouble and in fact he succeeded in it. He didn't even get to see Jimin or Ara throughout the exam period. And he couldn't just go back home without seeing his soulmate, so on the way home, he just stopped by Jimin's and they had a good time together until it was time for Tae to start off for home again.

And since he has reached his home after the exam, all he has been doing was just laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling. And to his surprise he has never been bored with this leisurely settling.

Now he feels peace at the calm atmosphere that engulfed his home. He didn't go out much either because he was not sure what he was supposed to do if he ever bumped into any of his old friends. He doesn't really want to meet anyone.

Actually this change of thoughts was actually a big shock for him. Back in time when everything was fine, to sit simply at a place for even a minute was a big NO for him. But now he has been doing nothing but simply chilling out in his home without anyone beside him. And to his horror and also to his relief, he is absolutely fine with it.

There are times when his head is restless and he has nothing to occupy it with, it wanders off to Jae.

Tae has a lot of questions regarding the said boy. How is he doing? Is he happy without him? And so on. And even if it is really selfish, a part of him has actually wished that Jae is not happy without him. It's really childish. But he couldn't help it.

Of course he has given it to Jae. Even if there is a chance for him to get back with him, Tae would never accept it, he knew it for sure. It was truly that he loved the boy so much. There were no words to describe how he felt about him.

But he could never forget what he did to him. How he broke him. Of course Jae has no clue about Tae's awareness about it, but nothing matters now. He could never forgive him.

Of course the incident proved to be an eye opener for him. More than one way. But that didn't matter to him. Nothing could justify the deed done by Jae.

Another person that always occupied his mind was Jimin. The boy who became a part of him. The only good thing that happened to him because of the whole fiasco. Tae has sometimes wondered if they would even smile at each other if that day Jimin didn't witness something as horrible as he puts it. But it's fate. Right? You can't stop your destiny. Some things are meant to happen and some people are bound to meet.

But to say Tae is not mad with Jimin for pushing him away for the past months would be an understatement. He is really upset about everything that has been going on, especially when it comes to Jimin hiding things from him. Because Jimin was used to being so open about everything about his thoughts and issues. But suddenly he became secretive and distant which really has made Tae absolutely clueless and helpless.

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