Vol. 1: Chapter 7.3 - All Part Of The Masterplan?

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So... You did make a time machine to read this huh?

Guess I underestimated you a bit. I'll make a new masterplan so new chapters wont get revealed- even to time travelers, since it will be something that would go against the laws of space time!!!


(You know... I always want to make people smile at least once while reading my updates... So I make them funny and less serious. I hope you guys won't be angry about it...)

Taking my clothes and leaving Matsushita to try her clothes first, I left my stuff on the counter to be bought later, before leaving the shop and going on a stroll to ceck on specific stuff, before returning.

"You're late."

The first thing I'd heard as I arrived at the trial rooms were the annoyed complains of the Class D girls. Shinohara, to be specific, who has a very sharp tongue.

Meanwhile, Ryouko was pouting, Hirata was wearing a wry smile, and Shibata was constantly looking between me and Hirata, while nodding in satisfaction.

I was getting uncomfortable with the constant complaints and I think Hirata understood it and was going to say something until--

"Now now, girls, you're troubling Ayanokouji-kun here. Even you took a lot of time to choose clothes, right?" Kushida intervened trying to stop the commotion.

Seeing that her constant grunting drew the attention of several passerby's, Shinohara decided to shut up. "I-I guess you're r-right... Hmph!" She turned her head away, pouting.

It was a rather disturbing sight to see.


Kushida told me of the situation, for me to make sense of the girls' complaints, and Ryouko's angry pouting.

Apparently, I'd been busy 'shopping' for so long, that every girl, who for some reason went to change individually and wanted the boys to rate/tell them how they looked, had already finished their changing, and feeling satisfied by it, went back and changed again, whereas the boys, who went in first to get changed and rated by the girls and I wasn't even here.

It was Shizuku's turn right now, who's already in the trial room.

Shibata quickly came near me as he whispered, "Hirata is currently the one paying the feast's bill, so if you want him to save some money, do something."

...I still couldn't get my head around the fact as to why the winner is going to pay.

Poor Hirata's going to pay for the bill now, since there is nothing I could do.

But if you'd ask me, I would say that I would actually eat to my heart's content, if somebody else is paying for it.

I've heard that women's preparations could take quite a lot of time and effort so waiting seemed to be the only choice.

'*sigh* why can't I just go and pay my stuff and get out of here...'

(That is because I want to show the readers a drawing!)

'Oh. That's... understandable.'


3rd Person POV


Finally, thought Kiyotaka as he turned towards the trial room as Shizuku quietly arrived outside.

COTE: Lycoris Radiata (Kiyotaka X Shizuku)Where stories live. Discover now