Vol. 1: Chapter 7.1 - An Invitation

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Oh, I almost forgot I'm an Author of a Fanfic...


Anyways, Let's start.

'Spring season in Japan...'

It is quite impossible to think of springtime in Japan without an iconic image of cherry blossoms in mind.

But what makes it so popular?

The cherry blossoms are not just pretty pink flowers; No, they are the embodiment of Japan's deep-rooted cultural and philosophical beliefs. They also, quite literally, symbolise the new beginnings with April 1 being the first day of both the financial and academic year in Japan.

The spring season in Japan, starts from around 1st of April and ends at 22nd.

During the period of 1st - 9th April, the cherry blossoms slowly develop from the trees with a bright pink colour. Then starting from the 10th to the 17th, the mid-april, the Sakura trees fully gets covered with pink-ish white, blooming cherry blossoms.

The blooms also ushers the traditional custom of Hanami-- where people from all walks of society indulge in picnics under the cherry trees in full blossom.

While I had only experienced this 'Cultural' tradition of Hanami once, I can honestly answer, it's a magnificent scenery.

The previous year, I visited The Ueno Park. The park is renounced by many to be the hotspot to enjoy Cherry Blossoms in Tokyo.

During evenings, there is a tradition during the full blooms, where people admire the cherry blossoms lightened by 1,300 paper lanterns hanging across. The source of it's popularity is that, the park uses 'real' paper lanterns, unlike in Tokyo Midtown, where the trees are covered with electrical-lightings. The views are honestly breath-taking.


Today is the 17th of April, that is, the last day of watching the Cherry Blossoms before they start dropping and dying down, starting tomorrow.

Currently, it's the lunch period. I'm sitting at a bench in a garden, or a mini-park, if you want to call it that. The walk takes around 10 minutes from here to school, which was pretty relaxing in its own way.

The garden is the same to which, me and Shizuku came the other day. I have been coming at this spot from the start of the full-blooms, as it is unpopular but beautiful. The sakura trees here are fully covered with the flowers, some even falling from the trees; making it the best spot for having lunch.

I did a quick observation of my surroundings and found a lone figure of a girl, sitting three benches across me. I'd seen her before too. Everyday during lunch period, she comes here and sits on the same bench. What bothers me is the fact that sh doesn't bring any lunch with her. Probably a diet? Oh and one more thing, she's the same senpai who smirked at me during the Club Fair, when I played the piano...

From above, there were blossoms falling to the ground, in front of me lay a big ocean, the water shining due to the sunlight. It was the perfect place to have lunch. I felt the warm wind gazing over my face and there was a slight salty smell present in the air, though it was hardly noticable...



It's 3 PM and classes has just ended for the day. Since I had nothing to do, I'm going to have a date with my bed-chan today.

But, as you would've already guessed, luck isn't my forte...

As I was about to exit the classroom--

""Kiyotaka-kun!"" --A lot of voices pierced through my ears. I turned around, and...

COTE: Lycoris Radiata (Kiyotaka X Shizuku)Where stories live. Discover now