Chapter 81 - Protagonist: New skill get. (Continuation)

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Du Ze wondered if he somehow violated a taboo in the Gnome Ruins. Was he being punished? First it was the Moe Lord's beastkin form, then the gnome form. Even if he has a powerful 0-point restore skill, this type of play is still a bit much.

In order to leave this cursed place as soon as possible, Du Ze urged Xiu to speed up his progress. After the "Crown" plaza, they went to the "Wisdom", "Kindness" and "Victory" plazas. There were no difficulties as Du Ze and Xiu went around the Kabbalah Tree of Life in a clockwise direction until they finally arrived at its core, the "Beauty" plaza.

There were no machines or buildings on the central plaza. It was empty except for a big tree with its sephiroths etched on the ground. Du Ze instantly saw the place where Xiu's battle will start: There were ten sephiroths but the middle one was dark and lightless.

Suddenly, a pair of pointed boots appeared, stepping on the lightless sephiroth. Du Ze's eyes traveled up and saw ... a jester? The newcomer was dressed in a red and black Harlequin costume with a horned fool's cap. His slightly pointed gnome ears were barely visible.

This is... the ruler of the gnome gods?

The jester seemed to be weightless, hovering in the air like a feather in the wind - it was surprising to see a gnome with such a lithe and dexterous body. Xiu's seven-star mechanical puppet sprinted forward and positioned itself in front of Xiu and Du Ze. The jester moved back, avoiding the seven-star mechanical puppet's attack.

"My name is Garl Glittergold. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." The jester floated in the air. The sound of his voice was high-pitched and thin. "I was just too excited."

To the astonishment of Du Ze, the Harlequin-clothed gnome god started weeping.

"I didn't think the gnome race had a future anymore ..."

The transparent tears dripped down to the ground, but the gnome god was smiling happily. Garl stretched out his hand and the star chains on his and Xiu's wrists lit up at the same time, as though they were transmitting messages to each other.

"Xiu?" Garl read the message and seemed very satisfied and happy. "Seven Star mechanic ... Very good ... "

He took a step forward, but found that Xiu was still very alert. Garl hesitated and carefully stopped moving.

"I won't hurt you."

The gnome god stood there alone, with his big eyes full of sorrow.

"Apart from you, there are no gnomes in the Chaos Continent ... Whether it's a gnome, or a gnome god ..."

The voice of Garl echoed in the Gnome Ruins, a desolate and empty city, full of cold and dead objects. It was as if his heart had been pierced and the enormous hole in it was full of a cold wind. This sort of immense sorrow and grief over the loss of his race could not be faked.

The gnomes were sentenced to death in the fifth era and now even the gnome gods are dead? Du Ze's mood was indescribable. This was what the author carelessly wrote about the history of this world, but now that he was face to face with the reality, this was the first time that he truly knew how heartbreaking it was.

When he saw this, even though it was not easy for him to trust another person, Xiu did become less resistant. Naturally, Garl knew that paranoia was a common characteristic of gnomes. He was very understanding and kept a proper distance between the two of them. The clown jumped on the tree and the accessories he wore jingled.

"I'll give you a present." He opened his arms wide as if to show something cheerfully. "Kabbalah, I give you the Kabbalah."

Kabbalah ... The Tree of life?

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