Chapter 60 - Reader: My buddies and I were stunned.

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After hearing Dan’s explanation, Xiu gazed at the two overlapping moons then looked back at Dan and asked: “The Chaos Continent and the world of the gods will overlap … What’s going to happen?”

“The realm of the gods will be the same as the Chaos Continent and the Chaos Continent will be the same as the realm of the gods.” Dan said: “All of the low, mid, or high level gods will be able to appear in the Chaos Continent.”

Du Ze immediately thought of the final BOSS, the god of light. When he was in Sky City, he said he was a high level god – oh, shi*!

Now that the Moe Lord has awakened the bloodline of 6 races and is not yet level 80, the author suddenly expanded the plot to include level 100 content?! And he also changed the location of the final BOSS! F***!

For fear that the god of light will appear in front of them right away, Du Ze hurriedly asked: “When a god descends into the Chaos Continent, can he immediately find a person?”

“Gods can get information through other gods and believers, so the more idols and believers a god has, the more omniscient he is.” Dan glanced at his unfinished idol. “If there is no idol of the god or believers who are praying to the gods, it is difficult for the deity to determine a person’s position.”

Du Ze sighed in relief, fortunately, the author still has a lower limit, therefore the safety of the Moe Lord was temporarily guaranteed. Some silly, cute person saw Dan staring at him with interest. The green-clothed businessman smiled and said: “Looks like you offended a god? Let me guess – since you got so nervous about the merging of the two worlds, it must be a high level god…”

Dan put the book under his arm and touched his chin. When his line of sight fell on Xiu, the demon smiled maliciously: “Ah, it must be the god of light.”

Xiu was noncommittal. Dan smiled wider and remarked: “You are really a worthy descendant of Lord Bael. Ah, I believe it was during the middle of the first era? The god of light regarded Bael as his mortal enemy and was bullied by Lord Bael many times. He would run over to provoke Lord Bael and get beaten up again and again.”

Du Ze and his buddies were stunned to hear the story about the demon god Bael and the god of light. This tsundere, Moe person… it’s really hard to imagine!

“Demon Bael …” Xiu whispered: “Where is he?”

Dan stared at Xiu and shook his head: “I don’t know.”

The demon god who has lived for tens of thousands of years raised his book to his face and obscured his expression. “The demons and the angels fought for nearly two centuries. The demons were banished to the reverse side of the continent in the second century. Do you think that their defeat was as simple as the angels and elves forming an alliance? In the beginning of the second century, the god of light somehow acquired a scepter that could destroy gods. Many of the 72 demons gods fell at that time and the rest are in hiding. Lord Bael has not been heard of since.”

Du Ze was watching Xiu for his reaction. When Xiu learned that Bael lost, Xiu’s expression was completely free of disappointment, as if he had never had any hope in the first place.

“So, is there any problem?” Dan put down the book and looked at Du Ze. “Then it’s my turn to ask.”

Some silly, cute person didn’t know why he was nervous. The green-clothed businessman was very puzzled and asked: “How did you know my identity?”

– Because your note betrayed you.

“I read the name you wrote.”

Dan was very surprised: “You can read it? Impossible, that’s my own writing that I invented.”

The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to be in True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now