Chapter 44 - Reader: (LOL)

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Du Ze felt as though he was travelling by boat. His head was bobbing up and down, making him feel dizzy. As his head felt heavier and heavier and sank down lower and lower, suddenly a big wave hit and his head was jolted down.

Then some silly, cute person slowly woke up. The first of his senses to return was smell. His nose was filled with an herbal scent. Then he recovered his sense of touch. His face seemed to be resting on cold silk. Next, he opened his eyes and saw white cloth that was embroidered with a beautiful blue pattern. Finally, his hearing caught up with his other senses and he heard Xiu’s voice close to his ear: “You woke up?”

Du Ze lifted his head that was as heavy as it was in his dream. He was horrified when he discovered that he was being carried by Xiu. Their surroundings were still the same snow-covered terrain, but they were no longer in the peak above the ice crystal grass valley. Xiu was carrying him and Eddie was walking beside them. It seems that they are … going down the mountain?

The last thing he remembered was drinking Eddie’s wine. Du Ze frowned. His head was aching badly and even thinking of something seems to aggravate the pain. In addition, his mouth and face feel painfully swollen, though that’s just an illusion.

This hangover is killing me… 〒▽〒

“We are going down the mountain?”

“Uh-huh,” said Xiu softly. “The task is finished.”

In other words, during his drunken period, the ice crystal grass was picked up, and the three-headed hell hound was also tamed. Only that jostling had woken him up. Exactly how drunk was he?! Some silly, Moe person’s thoughts were really slow. He rubbed his throbbing temples and stared dully at the snow-covered slope. Somehow, he felt as though he had forgotten something very important.

What was it?

Suddenly, Du Ze’s eyes widened as he saw the first sign of an avalanche. A silly, cute person was enlightened: Oh, it was you, Mr. Avalanche.

… Ah.

The group of three people were surprised. The heavy wave of snow was bearing down on them like a white snow dragon. Xiu’s first reaction was to grab Du Ze protectively. As the avalanche drew near, Xiu’s hair was blasted away from his face and he stared at the oncoming menace, calmly and quickly chanting a magic spell.

Just as the snow was about to hit them, a purplish-red flower grew at Xiu and Du Ze’s feet. The flower rooted itself firmly on the ground then swallowed the two of them in one gulp. This was a plant attack magic but Xiu used it this time to avoid the impact of the avalanche.


After some time the snowy mountain became tranquil once again. Suddenly, an enchanting flower bloomed forth from the snow. It unfolded its petals, revealing Xiu and Du Ze. In the vast expanse of white snow, they couldn’t find any trace of Eddie and didn’t know where he had been swept away by the avalanche.

The gray light of the pet contract flashed and a five-metre-long hellhound appeared on the snow. Its whole body is a shiny black color and it had a total of three heads. Each head can cast magic. From left to right, the heads have blue eyes, black eyes, and red eyes. Their eye colors match the type of magic that head can cast – wind magic, dark magic, and fire magic. This was the majestic Cerberus.

The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to be in True LoveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu