Chapter 24 - Author: The Flame Lord's fighting power is only 5.

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The land is charred black; lava overflows from cracks in the scorched earth and the extreme heat distorts the air. The red and black scenery looks very savage, like the fiery hell described by some religions. It is said that lava is formed by a massive storm of fire elements, similar to the dark elemental storm that Du Ze and Xiu experienced when they first arrived in the reverse side of the continent. This place showcases the horrors of a fire elemental storm - a storm that focuses almost all of the fire elements of the entire continent in a single area.

Because the area has a dense concentration of fire elements, the chance for a flame crystal soul to form is greater. These souls can help boost the powers of warriors and wizards who possess the fire attribute. In order to help Alice's fire powers to evolve, Violet wanted to get a flame crystal soul, which can be looted from the a Flame Lord living in this land of lava. With her current level, Violet was unable to defeat a Flame Lord, therefore she sought the help of Xiu.

Du Ze and his party traveled west, following a lava flow. Occasionally, they saw a far-away flame elemental beast. Although there aren't any high-level enemies, the harsh environment made this place one of Du Ze's biggest nightmares.

He felt extremely hot; his sweat just evaporated immediately without cooling him off. Fanning himself with the doujinshi didn't work because the breeze it produced was too weak. The delicate earthman once again started to miss his high-tech hometown. Du Ze was very envious of the Lich behind him, who has the type of constitution that doesn't get hot or sweaty. The Lich's ice-cold temperature is pleasant in this heat.

"Is it very hot?"

Du Ze froze like a person caught in the act of sneakily cooling himself on the undead's body behind him. On the other hand, Xiu did not care about Du Ze's sweaty back. The Lich tilted his body, letting Du Ze stick more tightly to his bosom while cherishing the close contact.

In a different world, the reader who pined for his air-conditioning attracted a cool protagonist.

At that moment Du Ze felt that being transported into this world and getting to know the protagonist really is a very good thing.

This person is actually very gentle, but tends to go to extremes, so he cannot allow this person come to a tragic end.

After a while, a volcano appeared in everyone's line of sight. Red lava flowed out from crater in thick streams down the side of the volcano.

"The Flame Lord lives there," said Violet, wiping the sweat from her brow. "I know a passage that goes directly to the volcano."

They came to the passage described by Violet, a lava tunnel, with a lava roof suspended above, reflecting the scarlet glow of the magma in the depths of the volcano. Although the bottom of the lava tunnel is very flat, it's certainly not a place where a person can ride a horse. Therefore, they left their mounts at the entrance of the cave. Violet drew her sword and took the lead as they entered the tunnel.

The cave is long and winding, and the temperature is much lower than the outside. Du Ze finally recovered a little from the heat and began to think of the original plot of "Mixed Blood." Regarding the protagonist's battle with the Flame Lord, Ye Zhi Qiu only used one and a half paragraphs to describe the fight, then half a chapter was devoted to the loot. Therefore, in Du Ze's mind the Flame Lord gave the impression of a cannon fodder with a fighting capacity of 5 (extremely low). Its main skills are flame spray, summon rock magma, and lava rebirth. Only the rebirth skill was troublesome for the protagonist since the Flame Lord can always renew its body with magma, but when it runs out the poor creature is helpless.

Suddenly, he realized a serious problem. The problem was so serious that he had to ask: "Is this an extinct volcano?"

"The fire element here is very active," Violet replied. "It's alive. It looks like it will take a few years before it will slowly 'die.'"

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