Chapter 72 - Tower of God: The Temple of Knowledge.

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Louis advanced into the darkness. In everyone's subconsciousness, there is a field of life - the place where the spirit, soul, and body are connected. This is often thought of as the mind or heart of a person. Louis was currently in the field of life. In order to fully take over the body, he had to cut off its connection between the spirit and body then devour the other's soul.

The field of life is different for each person. In each individual's field of life, whatever they think of as beautiful, ideal, and impressive normally appears. Each person has a different ideal, therefore everyone's field of life is different. This was the first time that Louis saw such a dark field of life - this endless, empty darkness is like a rejection of everything in the world.

Because it was dark, Louis couldn't see anything; he couldn't even find the connection between the spirit and the body. He paused and began to think about countermeasures. As he gazed at a certain point in the darkness, Louis was surprised to discover that there were countless words in the dark.

The words were so dense that they overlapped each other. Louis carefully examined the words for a while before realizing that they were countless repetitions of two words filling the entire field of life.

"Ze... Du Ze ...?"

Du Ze, Zu Zedu Zedu Zedu Zedu Ze ...

The sound in his ear was like a dark broken voice. Louis recovered from his dazed state and found himself standing in the middle of a round platform. This had never happened to him before. Louis looked around and tried to quickly sort out the situation.

A round platform was floating in the darkness. Eight tall, slender torches stood all around the edges of the platform. One was plain but the others all had scarlet totems carved on their handles. No matter how hard the tried, Louis wasn't able to understand the meaning of the scarlet totems. Suddenly, the torch in front of him burst into flame. The flame was a strange color - a demonic purple. It flared up then took the shape of a demon.

The flame demon, who was just a silhouette with no detailed features, laughed softly: "You really came in."

Louis did not react. The purple flame demon moved behind him and languidly shouted: "Hey, you have a guest."

The purple flame suddenly died down. Louis turned around. A torch was lit up. Its flame was gray and it quietly burned. Strangely, even though it was clearly a flame, it made people feel colder - this is a feeling that Louis is familiar with. The cold feeling with an undertone of decay and decadence is unmistakably the death aura of an undead spirit.

The gray flame rose higher and took on the shape of a human standing on the torch and looking silently at Louis. Louis looked at it and said hoarsely: "Are you one of the undead?"

The flame undead did not answer but just descended from the torch in silence. Louis' instincts cried out that there was danger; because he himself is undead he is keenly aware of how terrifying the undead can be. He wanted to leave this strange place, but he was shackled by an invisible force that wouldn't allow him to move. Even his eyeballs were frozen in place. Louis can only watch as the flame undead came to him. The burning face came closer and said: "I only allow one person to enter here. You do not have the qualifications to be here."

The gray flame swept over to the immobile Louis and devoured him.

"- Xiu!"

The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to be in True LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora