Chapter 80: Tower of God: Gnome Ruins (Continuation)

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When Du Ze and Xiu once again set foot on the street of the Gnome Ruins, it was already the third day of the gnome race’s trial. Whenever Du Ze saw any furry object, it was like looking at a landmine. Even when he saw a mechanical puppet that didn’t have any fur but smelled like oil, Du Ze would shed tears.

Xiu quickly dispatched the mechanical puppets that tried to attack them. The one to four star mechanical puppets were easily overcome and were reduced into their component parts whenever they fought the Moe Lord.

Du Ze looked at Xiu’s back and at the fallen mechanical puppets. He recalled the first time they met a mechanical puppet on the reverse side of the continent. At that time, even a one star mechanical puppet caused them a lot of trouble but now, Xiu can easily take down even the five star mechanical puppets.

They had traveled together for such a long time that he hadn’t realized until now that the Moe Lord had become so powerful.

Du Ze’s heart jumped a little and he felt a sweet yet bitter pain. This was like watching a child grow up. The child’s first stumbling steps have turned into a confident walk. He is proud and happy about it but he is in the same position as all guardians are – when the child is all grown up, it is then time to take their leave.

“These mechanical puppets are so annoying.”

Du Ze was abruptly grabbed by Xiu. He hurriedly held on to Xiu’s shoulder, only to hear the beastkin with the round lion ears happily say: “Hold on tight, we will go faster.”


Du Ze didn’t have time to reply before a strong kinetic energy made his upper body stick to Xiu’s back. Their bodies crashed together with a “pa” sound. Xiu, carrying Du Ze, ran into a shadow. Whenever he saw a mechanical puppet, Xiu would use the terrain to jump and disappear before he was within the mechanical puppets’ range of action, making the puppets unable to gather information about them.

All Du Ze could see was Xiu’s floating tail as he was jolted. The beastkin’s speed and movement was more exciting than a rollercoaster. Just as he was about to faint, Xiu finally arrived at a circular plaza. Once they were at the plaza, the mechanical puppets no longer pursued them. Xiu put the dizzy Du Ze down, who staggered a bit before regaining his balance. Now that the world was no longer spinning, Du Ze recognized that this was the “Foundation” plaza.

Old John once told him that if there was a treasure in the Gnome Ruins that the people outside would covet, he was afraid that it would be the cache of materials in the “Foundation” plaza. The gnome race collected raw materials from the whole continent and put it in the “Foundation” plaza, grading them by their quality.

The gnomes could take materials based on their star rating, including many S quality materials which the outside world coveted.. Du Ze saw the material exchange machine in the middle of the plaza but it was obviously not functional since it was missing a piece. Du Ze stared at the gap in the machine. He ransacked his memories of machine parts and suddenly realized something.

Isn’t that the big machine part that you saw in the iron gnome’s hand a few days ago?!

In retrospect, Rachel said: “We had to gather mechanical parts to activate a plaza.”

The Tower of God’s requirement is easy to understand.

Xiu’s memory of that day was not clear but after Du Ze told him about it, he immediately went to fetch the machine part from the “Kingdom” plaza. Du Ze, who Xiu always equipped, was honored once again to sit on that roller coaster. Xiu got the missing piece and the dizzy Du Ze watched as Xiu placed it in its proper place in the “Foundation” plaza.

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