Chapter 74 - The law: A fool cannot survive.

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Xiu summoned the nightmare and rode off with Du Ze. The nightmare neighed, lifted its hooves and ran towards the statue’s location.

When they arrived at the statue, nearly everyone was already there. As Du Ze dismounted from the back of the nightmare, his legs gave way and he almost tripped and fell. Due to the undead magic that Xiu cast on him, he cannot feel pain but his hands and feet are very limp and soft.

Xiu held Du Ze in his arms, letting Du Ze lean on him. Because of the Lich’s death aura, no one dared to ask the gloomy Lich what was wrong with Du Ze. Xiu’s dark eyes scanned the entire place. When he saw the clearly intoxicated first Mage God holding a jug of wine, the soul flames in Xiu’s eyes shook slightly.

“Young man, we meet again. Little Honey told me what happened, hic, earlier.” Antonio shook his jug and sigh with an unknown emotion: “I did not think you would be willing to save these little bastards…”

The words of the first Mage God seemed to contain other meanings. Xiu’s pale face was gloomy under the dim light. Antonio and Xiu looked at each other; the bleary eyes locked on the dark eyes. “They gave you their tickets, didn’t they?”

Xiu did not avoid Antonio’s eyes. He slowly nodded: “Yes.”

The atmosphere suddenly became quite serious. Antonio was still looking at Xiu in the eyes while the gold mercenary team stood in the center, glancing back and forth with bewilderment at the two. In the middle of this volatile situation, Antonio suddenly drank a few mouthfuls of wine and sighed heavily: “Then there’s no way.”

The first Mage God stretched out his hand. Muir and the others were on guard but when they saw a black flame appear on Antonio’s palm, they relaxed.

“Take this old man with you, too.”

Du Ze watched as Xiu silently received Antonio’s ticket, then glanced at the gold mercenary team and was enlightened.

Moe Lord: The plan succeeded.

With Antonio’s help they didn’t need to search the books for the answers or steal other people’s checkpoints. Antonio was like a living encyclopedia; it seemed as though there were no questions that he couldn’t answer. A group of people were powerleveled by the first Mage God and easily reached the last checkpoint. This time it was not a sphinx statue that greeted them, but rather a real sphinx. The beast was standing on the path but behind him was a void. It had the face of a beautiful woman. When it saw Du Ze and the others, it shook its wings and changed its posture so that it was sitting down.

“This is the last question and you only have one chance to answer.” The beast with the lion’s body and a human face said: “What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?”

Du Ze almost fell down in surprise. The last question was this simple! Who hasn’t heard of that famous Greek myth? Everyone knows that the answer is “man.”

“I’ve never heard of this kind of spirit beast…” Rachel sighed: “I’m too ignorant.”

“I think we need a detailed spirit beast encyclopedia now,” Enoch said gloomily.

Honey pulled on Antonio’s robe. “Does grandpa know what that is?”

“Little Honey, grandpa doesn’t know everything.” Antonio reluctantly opened the jug, drank a mouthful and sank into meditation.

Seeing everyone’s reaction, the silly, cute reader realized that he was not on Earth. If one didn’t know the answer beforehand, the riddle is really difficult. When he first heard this question, he couldn’t answer it at all.

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