Tears started welling up in his eyes. He has been trying to hold them back for a long time. But how long can he pretend?

What is he doing here? Completely out here in the open. Where anyone could walk in since the football season has already started long back. But the team is on a break or something, just a few more matches left before the season ends.

Come to think of it, the basketball season has already ended. But his prayers have been answered. At Least in this case. Because Bangtan and Scarlett High had not received any chance to play against each other. And that was a great luck for Tae. But it's only because Scarlett High has lost the game long ago. And without any further trouble, Bangtan has got the season.

Tae has already talked to Dale about it and the boy told him how Scarlett has been completely clueless this season, to be more precise, Jae is no longer the captain because of his inability to reach up to the coach's expectations.

Tae was really curious about what was going on with the boy. Because as far as he knows, Jae never fails to reach the expectations of others. He always has worked for it. Then what is happening around the team or with his ex-boyfriend. But even Dale, who is aware of whatever is happening in the school, has no idea about it. There although rumours spread around the campus it's because of his high attention demanding girlfriend.

And he hates it whenever he is asked for too much attention!

Tae wanted to laugh but he couldn't. He is over Jae. That he has no doubts about. But he couldn't move on. Not from just Jae. But from that incident and the chain of events that followed.

He is still afraid. What if he starts another one and mess up again. And why should he start one when the end result is clear. No. He is already over this. He is not going to even think about it. He can't just take the risk again. At Least for about a couple of years. Or even more.

But still he is going to be the same person right? Or can he improve and be more mature and responsible other than being a coward and fool.

" Oh we meet again"

A voice spoke from behind disrupting his chain of thoughts.

Tae flinched, startled by the sudden intrusion.

He turned around only to turn paler.

" What? Why are you looking at me as if I'm a ghost or something?", the other chuckled. But the redhead didn't.

He looked at the boy confused. Wasn't he supposed to be in the class? Then what is he doing here?

Jungkook waved his hand in front of him trying to get the attention. " Hey! Where are you lost?"

" What are you doing here?", Tae asked coldly. " Don't you have classes?"

Jungkook looked at him surprised. " Yep! But I was in no mood. So I skipped. What about you? Aren't you supposed to be in the class as well? You know, we have a common class this hour",he said whilst the redhead turned looking forward.

He is not in the mood for anything right now. And he doesn't want to fight or even make conversation with the other. Because to fight, he has no energy left. And if he were to just talk, he is afraid that the other boy would say something that could upset him. He has already been going through a lot.

All the emotional drama has been giving him too much of a headache. His emotions are all over the place. And to interact with the ravenette at this time is now a good idea. Moreover what if he does something that could expose him or even worse, what if he does something that he would regret later.

So avoiding the other is the only option. So without any further delay, he stood up from the seat and took his bag in his hand. Adjusting his bag on his shoulder, he walked past the other towards the exit.

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