"EX-GIRLFRIEND?" Hye Na stood up slamming her hands on the table.

She slowly sat down due to realisation that she was too loud.

what? Hye Na was confused. Weren't they dating? What happened. she thought.

"They broke up," Heewon answered.

"Wow, it's as if you can read my mind," Hye Na replied.

Just then, they saw 2 familiar faces entering the restaurant.

Heeseung and Jiwon.

"Damn, do they have to be here to ruin the mood!" Heewon said, glaring.

"I don't like Jiwon. She's annoying," Heewon sigh as she asked for the waiter.

They both order rainbow sherbet ice cream for take away and as soon as they received it, they left.

"Heewon! Hye Na!"

They turned back horrified to see that Jiwon had notice them.

"Hi," Jiwon waved to them and signal them to come over.

They sigh as they walked towards their table.

"HWIDHSJDHSJSJHSJSKS!" Heewon groaned along the way there.

Hye Na giggled at Heewon before taking a seat beside Heeseung. Just as she was about to eat her ice cream, Jiwon called her.

"Hye Na, Let's exchange seat shall we." Jiwon suggested smiling.

To Hye Na, Jiwon was staring at her while having a demanding tone.

Hye Na nodded her head and sigh, I just wanted to eat my ice cream.

She stood up and exchange seat with Jiwon.

It was quiet awkward afterwards. Jiwon was just busy doing her business with Heeseung while Hye Na and Heewon were just eating their ice cream.

Why is my life like that
she thought.

Hye Na was about to burst from all the quiet and awkwardness. She couldn't stand it. and the only way for her to avoid it, is to excuse herself.

"I'm going to the washroom."


It's been a few minutes since Hye Na went to the washroom and she still didn't come out.

Where is Hye Na? Heeseung wondered.

"I'm going to go look for Hye Na," Jiwon said.

Jiwon left the table and went to the washroom to look for Hye Na. Jiwon went into the washroom as she washed her face, fix her makeup.

"Hye Na, are you there?" Jiwon asked as she looks around the washroom.


After a few minutes of waiting, Jiwon came out without Hye Na. Both Heeseung and Heewon was puzzled. As soon as Jiwon reached the table, both of them asked, "Where is Hye Na?"

Jiwon shrugged to say that she couldn't find Hye Na in the washroom. The other 2 were shocked. They did think that Hye Na leave them but they couldn't believe it.

"I'll text Hye Na, she would leave just like that," Jiwon told Heeseung. Heeseung sat next to each other as they texted.


Hye Na, Did you leave?
where are you?

It has been a few minutes and Hye Na still hasn't replied. Heewon was getting worried. Really worried. Meanwhile Heeseung didn't bother waiting anymore, he left.

To find Hye Na.

Jiwon was left too, but not to find Hye Na. She just left and went home.

After 2 hours later...

Hye Na wasn't found. She didn't reply or she didn't even went back to the restaurant. Heewon was just about to give up and go to the police station when Hye Na texted back.


Sorry, I didn't inform you.
Jungwon texted me earlier saying it's something very important so I left.

Heewon sigh of relief but angrily called Hye Na.
"Do you know how worried I was?"
"Hey! Remember to tell me next time."

Heewon nagged at Hye Na for a while before she ended the call. She then left the restaurant, going home.

During the 2 hours| Heeseung
Heeseung left the the restaurant and went nearby to find Hye Na. He ran around the neighbourhood for an hour.

"Why am I doing so much for her?"

Lee Heeseung, you just can't lie. The moment you sat your eyes on her. You knew you would have liked her.

Heeseung snatched out his phone and Heewon about Hye Na's house address. After he got her address, he took the bus and went to Hye Na's house.

"Please be there..." Heeseung mumbled worried sick.


After a short while, Heeseung reached Hye Na's house. He knocked on the door and waited for a reply.


Nothing, No one, Nobody opened the door for him. Heeseung leaned his back on the wall as he slouched down squatting.

He waited for her. For the next 20+ minutes. He was just about to give up, but he saw Hye Na on the phone. He stood up and was just about to go to her, but  the next thing he saw.

Yang Jungwon.

=======End of Chapter 15====
🤍 not naming the chapter anymore :(

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