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harry's pov:
in this café again, are we, billie? you seem to really take a liking to that book, i can buy it for you if you'd like. you noticed me staring again, so this time i waved. this time i walked over to your table.

"hey." i greeted you. you smiled and waved before looking back at your book. "you seem really interested in that book."

"yeah, i- fuck." you paused, with a pained look on your face. "sorry, a cramp."

i heard a dripping noise and so i looked down at where it was coming from. oh.

did her waters just break?

billie's pov:
did i just piss myself?

i looked at harry with an alarming look. "am i in labor!?" i practically shrieked and he slowly nodded.

"yeah, i think so.."

"shit." i muttered, looking down at the mess i had made. i should call kiara, she's at work. "hey harry, can you call one of the people who work here over?

he nodded and got one of the workers over to me. "oh, your waters broke hun?" she asked.

"yeah." i sighed. i'm assuming that 'cramp' was actually a contraction, but it was over at this point.

"okay. don't worry, i'll get you towels. i have no spare clothes to cover your wet patch unfortunately, but i do have an apron that you can tie around your waist. i'll get you those and then you can leave, i'll clean up, okay?" she said and i smiled, thanking her.

she walked away and it was just harry and i left there. i sighed, sitting back in the chair. "you're.. oddly calm." he chuckled and i shrugged.

"it is what it is."

the worker came back with towels and an apron and i thanked her, drying myself off before tying the apron around my waist. i slowly stood up, groaning from the pain before dusting myself off. "i guess i'll go home now."

"are you sure you're okay? is your boyfriend coming with you?" the worker asked and i furrowed my eyebrows, looking at harry.

"oh, nah, he's not my boyfriend, he's just.. an acquaintance. i'm gonna go call my girlfriend." i told her. harry was still smiling, but i could tell by his body language that he was a little upset that i called him an acquaintance.

i mean, that's exactly what we are?!

"okay, i really gotta go. i'll see you guys soon." i smiled, turning towards the door. i was feeling really uncomfortable but they didn't need to know that!

harry grabbed my arm. "billie, i can come with you."

"i never told you my name..."

"i just assumed." he said. okay...

"whatever. it's fine, i'm gonna go call my girlfriend." i told him as i felt another contraction coming. shit, how long has it been since the last?

"billie, i'm just trying to-"

"shit! go away! i don't fucking want your help." i snapped, holding my stomach and making my way over to my car. this shit is painful, man. i checked the time. 1:53p.m. i made a mental note before driving he as fast as i could.


kiara's pov:
i was currently in work and billie was calling me for the third time. i hadn't answered any of the previous times because she always calls me during work for the stupidest reasons.

i let it ring out and billie instantly called back for the fourth time today. i let out a loud sigh, answering. "jesus christ billie, what!?" i whisper-yelled through the phone.

jailbird | b.e.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora