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billie's pov:
yeah.. i'm still doing deals and shit.

"heard you're pregnant." he smirked, looking at my belly. he seemed to be thinking.

i squinted my eyes as i looked at him. "do as much as touch my stomach and i'll touch your fucking gut with my knife, got it?"

"you wouldn't do it."

"oh wouldn't i? i beg to differ." i chuckled. "i do this shit all the time. now shut your mouth before you end up in a hospital bed, got it?"

he rolled his eyes and i rolled mine. "you got my money or what?" i questioned.

"nah." he chuckled and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"it's almost like you wanna get hurt." i reckoned, reaching my hand into my pocket and clutching my blade, leaving it there.

he glanced down at my stomach again and i gulped. if he touches my belly i swear to god... "bro, give me the fucking money." i choked.

for once in my life, i felt scared. not for me, for my baby. he wouldn't stop staring at my stomach and i gripped the blade tighter in my hand. next thing i knew he lunged for me and i- i ran away? when do i ever run away?

i ran as fast as i could. i wasn't sure why he was trying to hurt me man, he bought drugs and he owed money, i was just there to get it from him.

i spotted my car and glanced behind me to see if he was still following. i don't even know this guy's name.. he was still running after me but he was about 20 meters away.

i reached my car and got in, instantly locking the doors. the crazy guy stood in front of my car, hitting the hood and windscreen. i didn't want it getting damaged so i started the engine and stepped on the gas, hard.

the guy.. flew. i knocked him down and sped down the road, hoping nobody just saw that.

i drove a couple of blocks away before pulling out my phone and going to text vinnie, the guy who i'm doing gang work for.


that guy who owed you
money didn't have it.. he
tried to get me but i ran

i hit him with my car tho

why did u run?

i'm pregnant. i can still
do shit tho. the only
reason i ran was bc he
was going to hurt my belly
and i'm not trynna have a

bil. u think it's safe?
gangs are full of drug
addicts, bad people.
trust me, i know ur bad
but ur very vulnerable
right now

idgaf i need the money

fair enough, bil

i turned off my phone, putting it on the passenger seat. vinnie is my favorite member of this gang. he only makes me do drug deals and he treats me with respect. it's hard to believe he's literally a gang leader.

i sighed and began to drive again. i had two hundred dollars on me, one of the reasons i work for vinnie. good pay.

i actually bought myself clothes when i first got paid, so i bought oversized clothes, the shit i like.

i stopped at the gas station and got gas, takis and coffee before driving back to kiara's. i decided to read a book as i waited for her to come back from work. i'm such a versatile person.

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