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billie's pov:

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imma need u to go
to dis address. dude
owes me money. smash
his car windows and
slash his tires. make
sure it's late so u won't
be seen!

am i getting paid 4

i pay u

i left him on read. why does he need me to do it? why won't he tell me if i'm getting paid to do it? "i pay you" like? he doesn't even pay me every time. literally just yesterday that guy went for my belly. that was scary. i don't get scared.

it was currently 5p.m. and kiara gets back from work at eight, so i was just lounging around her house. nothing to do, nowhere to be, none of that.

i was wearing fluffy pajamas, low waisted ones. you know how much my belly hurts? too much. it's an ache, really painful. it literally feels like i did a thousand pushups.

apparently my baby is the size of a small apricot! i wonder what the sex will be... what if it's twins! not twins..

i've found myself having my hand on my belly a lot of the time. kind of a protective thing, i guess.

i decided to take a nap while i waited for kiara. i never have dinner without her so.. i guess there's no point staying awake, is there?


i slipped on my all black air force 1s to match my black outfit. i was also wearing a black mask, the only good thing to come out of this pandemic.

"i'll be back later. don't wait for me." i told kiara and she nodded. i pecked her forehead and she grabbed my arm, pulling me down to give me a proper kiss on the lips. i smiled at that. "i love you, bye."

with that, i was out the door. i got into my car and pulled out my phone to get directions to the address that vinnie sent me.

i was wearing an all black outfit, a black mask and driving a black car in the dead of the night. not suspicious at all!! i then thought to myself, should i have worn gloves?

once i got to the address, i parked a couple of houses away. i pulled out my blade, clutching it in my hand. i also had one of those car window escape tools so that i could smash the window easily. i grabbed that before getting out of the car. the house looked dark, like nobody was home.

i walked towards the car that was parked outside the house and once i got to the car, i hesitated before putting the window breaker up to the glass. i lightly pushed it and the glass shattered. damn, that was easy.

i did that to a couple more windows before pulling out my blade and slashing three of the tires. anyone who's slashing tires should know only to slash three! once i was done, i ran back to my car and drove off.

i drove to the gas station and picked up some coffee, takis and froot loops. for some reason, i've been craving hot coffee. not sure why, i've never been a fan of it.


i walked in the front door and all of the lights were off. i quietly locked the door and tiptoed to the bedroom. kiara was awake, on her phone.

"baby, it's 1 in the morning!"

"i missed you." she smiled. she's so adorable.

i walked over and hugged her, not before planting a kiss on her lips. i then walked around and got into the other side of the bed, laying on my side. it's annoying not being able to lay on my belly but whatever. my boobs were already kinda refraining me from doing that but now i literally can't do it at all.

i then wrapped one of my arms around kiara. "let me take you on a date." i mumbled and she turned to look at me.

"for real?"

"yeah." i chuckled. "you're my girl and you deserve a treat because you're good to me."

"i guess you're right. i am good to you." she shrugged.

"so let's go out. have we ever been on a date? we haven't. that's sad." i told her and she snorted.

"yeah, let's go out tomorrow. i'm tired right now though. i'm gonna sleep." she mumbled, closing her eyes and pursing her lips. i chuckled before kissing them and closing my eyes too and quickly falling asleep.


"bro, go see who that is." kiara sleepily mumbled, waking me up.

"huh?" i asked, still in a sleepy state from being awake for a total of five seconds.


anyone who grew up in a neighborhood like mine knows what a cop's knock sounds like, and i can tell you there were cops at the door for sure, without even checking.

"shit." i grumbled, looking at kiara. we both just looked at each other with concerned faces for a couple of seconds before the knocking started again.

"babe, come with me." i whispered and she nodded. she pulled her bonnet off and we both walked out to the door, bracing ourselves before i opened it.

two male cops were standing there with stern looks on their face.

"billie o'connell?" fuck!!

"uh- uh yeah? can i help you?" i managed to choke out and kiara softly grabbed my arm.

"you are under arrest for-" man, i just woke up! "-destruction of property. don't deny it, we have you on video." but i wore a mask? "i would tell you your rights, but from what i've heard you're quite familiar with them." he said and i rolled my eyes.

kiara's hand that was on my arm was now squeezing it tightly and i looked at her. she looked like she was fit to burst into tears... and then she did.

"please, no. i can't do this. i can't lose you again." she sobbed.

"it's okay, baby. i'll be fine. we'll be fine." i reassured her.

the cop began to handcuff my hands. "bro, when i look like this? really?" i groaned and he tightened the cuffs, one being way too tight. "fuck, easy."

i looked up at kiara who was still crying. "it's okay, i promise. i'm yours." i reassured her. "gimme one last kiss before i go."

she sadly chuckled and put both of her hands on my face, pulling me towards her. she kissed me passionately, like she meant it.

dramatic ass. give me a month and i'll be back.

"aight let's go." the officer began tugging me towards the door. me and kiara said our "i love you's" and just like that, i was handcuffed in the back of a cop car... again.

1133 words.

a/n who snitched???

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