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*time skip! billie never signed to finneas' label for many reasons and she is also ready to pop lol*

kiara's pov:
"finneas! i'm not making another fucking song with you! jesus christ!" billie practically yelled over the phone.

i couldn't hear what he was saying, but it sounds like he's still trying to convince billie to become an artist. no means no but apparently finneas doesn't know that.

billie hung up the phone and threw it on the floor. "i'm in one of those moods." she mumbled, picking at her nails.

"like one of those moods? or do you wanna hurt somebody..?" i asked.

"second one." she sighed, running her hands through her hair frustratedly.

"aren't you a little too pregnant for that?" i chuckled.

"nah. it's just like another one of my cravings. how 'bout we tag team that shit?" billie suggested and i rolled my eyes.

"yeah, you would love that wouldn't you. i'm not crazy like that, bil-"

"you see, that's where you're wrong.' billie interrupted me. "you claim to be miss goody goody and all that, saying that you're completely sane. if that's so, why didn't you hesitate to kill that guy a couple weeks ago, hm? why didn't you care afterwards? you just went on with your life, never even thinking back to when it happened once."


"no, wait! i'm not finished, baby." billie smiled. "if you're so sane, why are you in a relationship with me? why did you let the girl who almost killed her mother, the girl who kills people, live with you? you don't care? why don't you think twice about being in a relationship with me when i say that i'm gonna hurt people, hm? because you're just as bad as me, kiara. you are crazy." billie said and began to walk towards me. i furrowed my eyebrows.

"i'm no psycho like you!" i defended myself. billie stood right in front of me and grabbed my arm so that i was standing too, staring her right in the eyes.

"tell me you care about that guy you killed, kiara. tell me how horrified you were when the blood was oozing from his forehead when you SHOT him." billie smirked. i pushed her.

"don't make me out to be some monster! you wish i was like you to make you feel better about yourself." i fumed, shoving her once again.

"i'm telling the truth, baby. you don't remember back in high school when we used to cut kids who got on our bad sides? you think that's normal?
huh? tell me you cared."

"billie shut the fuck UP!" i pushed her up against the wall and wrapped my hands around her neck, squeezing hard.

"see, when you get mad you hurt people. you're just. like. me." billie choked out and i furrowed my eyebrows even more, squeezing her neck to the point where she couldn't even breathe.

i watched as the color drained from her face, panting heavily as my heart raced from the anger i was feeling.

billie made eye contact with me and slightly smirked, the veins on her forehead popping out. that's when i realized. "fuck."

i let go of billie's neck and she grinned, rubbing it before her eyes rolled back and she fainted. i noticed and caught her before laying her down on the floor and leaving her there. what else was there for me to do? nothing.

i slowly walked over to the couch and sat down, thinking to myself. billie's right. i am a little crazy.

i was startled by billie creeping up behind me to whisper in my ear. "i told you, princess. you're just like me." she lightly tugged on my earlobe with her teeth before leaving the room.

billie's pov:
kiara knows she's just as crazy as me, she's just in denial. she'll admit it one day. it's more fun being like me anyways, you get to do whatever you want, with no regrets ever.

i decided to drive to a local café. not for any reason in particular, i just felt like drinking coffee in a café. i ordered my coffee and when i got it, i sat down on one of the couches. there were books in the middle of the table and i picked one up, having not read in a while.

unknown pov:
i followed her. i followed her car to the café, i stood behind her in the line. she ordered a cold brew with oat milk before taking it to the couch by the window where she sat. she picked up a rose colored book, studying the cover before opening it and beginning to read it. i didn't take you to be the type to read, billie. but i guess there's a lot that i don't know about you.

she had her legs crossed cutely, one of her feet tapping the floor quickly. is she nervous? can't she handle caffeine? you better calm down on the caffeine, billie. it can't be good for the babies. i noticed she had a mark on her neck too, a big red one going the whole way around. ouch.

i like your outfit, billie! comfy, cozy, all a pregnant woman needs. although your hoodie is ten times too big, your huge bump still sticks out at the bottom. billie flicked to the next page of the book and made eye contact with me. she slightly furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and i simply smiled at her before looking away. by the time i looked back, she had focused on her book again.

billie's pov:
who knew that babies kicking could be so painful? it's strange, really. they're so small, yet cause me so much pain.

i had to stop reading because of the pain from both my stomach because of the twins, and my neck because of kiara. it was distracting me too much. i decided to go home, not only because i was in pain, but because i low key felt like i was being watched. i was definitely just being dramatic, but whatever. paranoia is probably one of the hundreds of pregnancy symptoms out there.

nobody was watching me.

1035 words

a/n: joe goldbergs cameo????


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