🌘Chapter Seven🌘

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"Well that is simply too bad because you look malnourished as fuck. When was the last time you ate anyway?!"

"Uh-" I wracked my brain for the last time I had eaten, and I knew it was at Impel Down, I just didn't know when.

"That's what I fuckin' thought." They responded after hearing no response from me, "Trust me though, I know the feeling of ignoring your stomach for too long, and then it has the audacity to turn off or feel sick after you finally get some good fuckin' food. But I promise you as soon as you start eating, you'll eat everything off your plate."

"You seem to have a lot of experience with this." I sweatdropped.

"I do! I neglect my needs all the time! It's amazing honestly."


"ANYWAYS!" They interrupted me, their (e/c) eyes glistening with an idea, "GRAB THE FOOD- WE'RE JUMPING OUT THE WINDOW!!!"

            .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.» ──────» ⁐̤ᕐᐶ «────── «    .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

It was burning.

It felt like my body was on fire.

I stared at the fire in front of my eyes, it's sporadic moments dancing in my eyes as they widened in confusion and wonder.

Until they were widened in shock as I angered screaming.

'What in the world?!' I thought, looking for an exit that wasn't covered in fire and soot.

I was trapped.

            .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.» ──────» ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐶ «────── «    .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

"GRAB THE FOOD- WE'RE JUMPING OUT THE WINDOW!!!" I screamed as I grabbed the string to my curtain and pulled it down as hard as I could, earning a surprised grunt from Ace, who I am basically forcing to eat once we get outside.

I fiddled around with my widows lock thingys until I got my window to open upwards, "Heheh, yesssss," I whispered to my self as I punched the bug screen off.

Ace stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with my sudden decision to jump out the window.

"What're you waiting for?! Grab like, 8 boxes for yourself and move it! Don't worry though," I added, smirking cockily, "I'll grab my own."

Ace still stood there, giving me the same 'what the fuck' look that he gave me when we apparently first met at Marine Ford, which I still don't believe because all of this could be some elaborate dream I'm having because I'm a lonely college student.

"Move your ass unless you want me to push it out the window."

"...How are the boxes gonna fit through that, what, 2 foot gap?"

"Three at a time- now hurry up! We're on the first floor and you're tall as hell, you'll be fine."

Ace then just sighed, contemplating if the crackhead of a person in front of him really went soft and worried on him not even five minutes ago, and grabbed four of the boxes from the top of the stack I managed to hobble into my dorm without somehow fucking it up and dropping all of them.

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