🌔Chapter Three🌔

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"Well I called you because I panicked; that and I doubt this person has medical insurance so I'm not gonna make 'em pay that massive bill just to ride in the wee woo van."

"Fair enough, but how do you know they don't have insurance?"

"That's part of the reason why it's so difficult to explain." I responded, looking at the unconscious face of the person laying before me.

"Well, just tell me straight: where'd you find them?"

"That's still complicated, or- more like confusing."

"How is it confusing?" Mama asked, stretching out over the call.

"Well, I bet you'd be confused too if one of your favorite anime characters crashed on top of you in the middle of your room."

            .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.» ──────» ⁐̤ᕐᐶ «────── « .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

My chest is tight,
My heart is pained.

My head is spinning,
Is something burning?

I try to take a breath,
But I can't breathe.

All I smell is smoke.

My chest is too tight,

My heart is too pained.

Suddenly, I feel as if every sound,
Every brush

Every heartbeat
Was in my head.

Sensory overload.

I could feel every little piece of fabric,
As if it were digging into my skin.

My brain was screaming so many things
That I couldn't figure out.

Is something burning?

My breath is shallow and slim,
And I could feel the dryness of my lips,

The cold air hit my teeth,
The way my throat screamed.

I could hear a chaste heartbeat,
Pumping loud and slow.

I could hear the way my fan pushed air,
The electricity of my devices charging.

I could hear the way the fluorescent lights above me buzzed,
And the high pitched screaming of my power cords.

Suddenly, I jerked my eyes open as I could breathe again, taking greedy gulps of air as the suns last rays hit my skin, making my panicked eyes shimmer.

"Okay, what bitch thought it'd be a good idea to exist?!" I hissed quietly to myself, still hearing the high pitched screeching of some electronics as I bonked the side of my head with my fist a couple of times in an attempt to "shake away" the noise.

"Cool, now I got fur or some shit in my mouth, real funny universe, go fuck yourself." I then growled as I flipped nobody in particular off as I stood up to check my phone that I decided to charge after the long ass call I had with Mama, though I'm expecting another one from my Mom once she gets back home from work.

Save My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora