Thank you!

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Here I am, once again, about to thank you all who read this story and send a special thank you to every single one of you who voted and commented. As usual, I hope you're enjoying this story because I know I'm enjoying writing for it hahah

Just a heads up, I am planning on posting the Prologue to the next book on Saturday, the 6th of November and I'm pretty excited for it since season 5 is actually one of my favorites. In any case, I do hope you've enjoyed this book and, as usual, I'm gonna leave a few questions down below, if you feel like answering them, feel free, the feedback is always appreciated!

Thoughts on the story as a whole?

Favorite chapter?

Favorite story-line?

Favorite moment?

Anything you'd like to see in the upcoming season? New theories or anything? Let me know!

I guess this is all for now. As always, I hope to see you all soon!

Stay safe,

Lots of love <3

Unspoken - Book 4 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now