Time of death

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Diana was still in her bed, under her covers when she heard a knock on her door. Groaning quietly, she pushed her duvet off of her and made sure the sleeves of her hoodie covered her hands so she wouldn't be so cold when she got up from the bed. Sniffling quietly, Diana pulled open the door and smiled a little when she saw Scott standing there.

"Hi." She greeted gently as Scott just smiled back at her.

"Hi." He said. "You skipped school today."

"Yeah..." She cleared her throat when her voice got caught up on it again. "I'm still kind of sick. From whatever virus tried to kill us yesterday? Yeah..."

"But... Do you feel okay?" Scott asked, his brows furrowing with worry as Diana smiled.

"I'm not gonna die." Diana shrugged. "It just feels like a very bad cold."

Scott nodded then, watching as Diana sniffled again.

"Do you... Want to come in?" The girl asked, after a second, taking a look at her bedroom and making a face when she noticed how bad it looked. "It's kind of a mess at the moment, but..."

"It's fine." Scott assured with a smile, stepping inside Diana's bedroom when she stepped aside to let him in.

As soon as Scott walked in, he moved straight toward all of the tissues Diana had thrown by the side of her bed, too tired to even bother throwing them out and when she noticed what he was doing, she gasped.

"Scott!" She practically squeaked in surprise. "Don't do that!"

"It'll be fine." Scott shook his head with a smile, picking up all the tissues and throwing them out in her trash can in the bathroom. "It's no trouble."

"You shouldn't have." She said, moving to take a seat on her bed as Scott shrugged and pulled her chair around so he could sit in it, in front of Diana. "But thanks."

"No problem." Scott shrugged. "I was worried about you."

"It's just a cold." Diana smiled. "I've survived worse than that."

"That's not exactly what I mean." Scott said, and, with just one look at the alpha, Diana knew what he wanted to talk about. So, with a sigh, Diana bit her lip as she looked away from Scott. "I talked to Stiles. He told me what you did."

"Can you tell me? Because I actually don't know what I did." Diana sighed. "I mean, not only am I not sure how did what I did, I also don't know what I did considering I wasn't seeing anything."

"Stiles said you somehow managed to get the bullet moving without it being fired." Scott explained. "He said you activated the gunpowder. And not only that, you managed to move the bullet backwards in the gun and straight over at the chemist's head."

"If I did activate the gunpowder inside the bullet, it means I've somehow ignited it, right?" Diana mumbled, with a deep frown on her face. "I mean, heat... Fire... It was what I could do, right? Before... Before everything..."

"But you're not in the Deadpool." Scott said. "You're not supernatural."

"Well, if I'm not supernatural, then I'm very, very lucky to be alive." Diana scoffed. "Maybe I should test it... See if... See if I'm still resistant to the heat or... If I can make fire from my hands again, or something. I mean... Maybe there's still a part of the phoenix inside of me. Maybe that's how I came back. Maybe that's how I ignited the bullet. But I need to figure it out. Because I just killed somebody else because of a power that I can't control."

"Diana, he was gonna kill Stiles." Scott said. "He was going to kill all of us. He was going to kill you."

"Yeah, well..." Diana mumbled, looking down at her lap as she brought both of her legs up on her bed and rested her hands over her lap as she played with her fingers a little. "But Allison wasn't."

Unspoken - Book 4 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now