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Diana turned around as soon as she heard the knock on her door.

"Diana?" Stiles called, pushing open the door to her bedroom once she called him in and frowning a little when he noticed the girl standing there. "You okay?"

"Come inside and lock the door." She said, her voice sounding so urgent Stiles didn't even think twice before doing as she had asked him.

"Dia? What happened?" Stiles asked, his eyebrows furrowing with worry when he noticed the way Diana wasn't even looking at him anymore, standing in front of her bed with her lip pulled between her teeth and what looked like about twenty different pages spread over her mattress. "Diana?"

"While you were in the hospital with Scott... You know what I was doing, right?" Diana asked, turning to look at Stiles finally as the boy nodded.

"You went with Malia to talk with Peter." He said. "She told me."

"You saw her?" Diana frowned.

"Right after you dropped her off, I think." Stiles shrugged. "She came to my house... We had a talk. She said something about a conversation you two had."

"Really?" Diana asked, turning her head in Stiles' direction as the boy nodded. "And?"

"She said you helped her out a lot. In figuring out what she felt for me?" He said, sounding a little unsure. "She said she is grateful for how I helped her deal with everything after coming back to her human form and I told her I was just as grateful for how she helped me deal with... Well, you, I guess. But she said we're just good friends. She called me special which was kinda surprising and I actually think she chocked a little before saying it, but I feel the same about her, so it's fine."

"Oh, hum... You do?" Diana frowned a little as Stiles smiled at the way she bit her lip quietly. "I... I mean... You're okay, though, right?"

"I'm okay." Stiles confirmed with a smile. "Also, she told me Peter said he was gonna help her find her mother. And that she was going to accept his help."

"Did she tell you anything else?" Diana asked, as Stiles frowned, trying to recall his last conversation with Malia and shaking his head when nothing came up. "She didn't tell you about Julia?"

"No." Stiles said. "Why? Did you find out who she is?"

"Kind of..." Diana sighed, a hand rubbing against her forehead as she sniffled quietly. "I mean... I... Okay, so, this is why I called you here. I... I need your help, I need... I need an unbiased opinion. Or... As unbiased as it could be."

"Okay." Stiles nodded slowly, growing a little worried again at the way Diana seemed to aggravate herself more and more with each sentence she spoke. "What's going on?"

"Okay, so... The other name... The one we didn't know - Julia Hale?" Diana asked, stepping forward toward Stiles to stop him from approaching the bed as she stood in between him and all the papers behind her. Stiles frowned, surprised by the sudden behavior, but nodded anyway. "So... I've asked Peter about her, right?"

"And he told you?" Stiles asked, as Diana nodded.

"After a bit of prying, but yes, he did." Diana said, reaching behind her for one of the papers behind her and offering it to Stiles. "It's his daughter, Stiles. Julia Hale is Peter's daughter."

"Another one?" Stiles widened his eyes as he lifted his eyes from the papers in his hands to look at Diana instead.

"Another one." She nodded. "He told us that her mother was called Denise. This is the list of people that were identified in the Hale house fire. All of them members of the Hale family, of course."

Unspoken - Book 4 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now