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Diana almost sighed in relief when Melissa knocked on her hospital room and poked her head inside, asking if she could come in. Diana instantly nodded then, half expecting the nurse to release her from her stay in there. She was fine now, she didn't even feel like her head was pounding after the punch she had received from Brunski. At least, not so much. Besides, Lydia had been released already. Sure, Lydia hadn't suffered a concussion and undergone an MRI, but still, Diana was fine.

"Can I go?" Diana asked, jumping off the bed as Melissa sighed, unsure how those kids her son called his friends - his pack - were always so ready to get back into action just as soon as they bounced back from yet another near-death experience.

"Soon." Melissa said. "But, before that, there's someone out here looking for you."

Diana frowned then, unsure who Melissa could be talking about, but nodded anyway. Smiling a little at the girl, Melissa walked back toward the door and pulled it open, nodding her head to the person standing by the door. Diana wasn't sure what expression she was wearing when she recognized Stiles standing there - relief, shock, fear, longing? - but it was okay, because, as Stiles stood there with his hands in his pockets, Diana realized he wasn't sure how he felt either.

"I'll leave you two." Melissa whispered, slipping out of the room as she closed the door after him.

Both Diana and Stiles watched in silence as Melissa left and, for a second after that, neither of them really said anything. Even as Stiles turned back around to look at Diana, he took a second to speak up.

"So... You almost got killed." He said, as Diana bit her lip.

"Yeah..." She mumbled. "Turns out Brunski wasn't just a corrupt nurse."

"And you almost got yourself killed." Stiles insisted, as Diana frowned.

"But I didn't."

"But you almost did." Stiles argued, causing Diana to widen her eyes when she noticed the way Stiles' voice raised a little. "You almost died, Diana. Again. And I couldn't do anything about it. Again."

At that, Diana sighed, finally understanding where this was coming from. And, God, she almost felt like crying just then. She figured Stiles blamed himself for what had happened to her and as much as Diana knew it wasn't on him at all, she had neglected to talk to him about this at all. In fact, she had neglected talking to him about anything at all properly since she came back so, it came as no surprise when Diana's hand itched for her to pull Stiles into her arms to hold him but her mind told her it was a bad idea. It came as no surprise that Diana still didn't know exactly how to act around Stiles anymore, but, God, did it hurt.

"You couldn't have done anything." Diana mumbled, and, just one look at Stiles' face let Diana know that he knew what she meant.

She wasn't trying to offend him and she wasn't just talking about Eichen House. Stiles knew it. Still, he hated it.

"I should've been there." Stiles insisted, as Diana shook her head. "Yes, I should... I can't... I can't let you die. Not again."


"I can't lose you again." He insisted. "I can't go through this again."

"You won't." Diana whispered, her eyes filling with tears as she stood there, in front of Stiles, trying not to melt into a puddle of tears. "I'm here, Stiles. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm okay, alright? I'm fine. And... And, I mean, it was a good thing we went there anyway."

Once again, Diana was refusing to talk to Stiles. Refusing to sit down with him and sort through everything the two of them had in their minds. But when Stiles didn't try to change the subject again, Diana knew he was too.

Unspoken - Book 4 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now