The two quickly ran out of the dormitory.

Kuuga: (sighs) "Another quest… I need more people for this."


The scene changes to Kaminari opening his door with a yawn.

Kaminari: (yawns) "What is-"

Black mist suddenly surrounded him and started carrying him. He looks ahead to see Kuuga walking ahead.

Kaminari: "Kiriu? What are you doing?"

Kuuga: "We have a quest."

Kaminari: "What quest?"

Kuuga: "Shush. Everyone is still asleep."


The scene opens up to Sato opening the door.

Sato: "Kiriu?"

He notices Kaminari behind him, still being carried by Kuuga's mist.

Kuuga: "I will explain later. Come with me first."

Sato: "S-Sure… Let me just fix myself…"

Kuuga: "Fine. Hurry up, we're running on limited time."


The scene opens up to Todoroki opening the door, holding some toiletries. The candy cane head stops and sees Kuuga standing in front of him with glowing purple eyes. Behind him are Kaminari, who is still restrained and a nervous Sato.

Todoroki: "Kiriu? It's literally five in the morning. What is it?"

Kuuga: "Come with me. Important matters are to be discussed."


The scene changes to Sato, Kaminari, and Todoroki sitting on the couches as Kuuga stands in front of them.

Kuuga: "Thank you for coming to this meeting."

Kaminari: "You kidnapped me!"

Kuuga: "I will compensate for my actions."

Sato: "So, what's up?"

Kuuga: "I was given a mission by two high profile individuals, and I personally chose the three of you to assist me in carrying out this task."

Todoroki narrowed his eyes and became interested.

Todoroki: "What is the task?"

Kaminari stands up with a sigh.

Kaminari: "I don't know, Kiriu. It sounds danger-"

Kuuga: "How does 6,666 Yen sound?"

Kaminari's tired state disappeared and turned into a shocked look. He goes back to the couch and gains a determined face.

Kaminari: "I'm listening, Kiriu."

Sato: (nervously) "A-Are we doing some sort of heist?"

Kuuga: "No."

Kuuga brought out a picture of a cake design of a halloween theme with the label "Happy birthday, Sayo!," on top.

Kuuga: "We're gonna make a cake and hide it from everyone."

A dark aura surrounds Kuuga as he slams the picture on the coffee table, creating an intense wind current. The three lean and stare at the picture.

Kaminari: "Cake?"

Todoroki: "I don't see how I'll be of assistance on this one."

Todoroki goes to leave but Kuuga stops him.

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