Chapter 26: Complication

Start from the beginning

Reiner pursed his lips and looked sympathetically at him.

"Well, sorry about that. But congrats," he strangely said. Armin's brows furrowed and he shakily turned his head to look up at the tall blonde.

"On what?"

Reiner stood at the door awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck

"You mean, you don't remember anything about last night?"

Armin shook his head and then turned back, heaving into the bowl.

"Never mind, I'm heading out." Reiner said, quickly exiting and shutting the door behind him.

Armin, exhausted, flushed the toilet and slumped down on the ground, exhaling and regretting everything.

"That's the last time I'm drinking," he said to himself.

Y/n was in the kitchen pouring out a glass of water when she heard a scream that almost made her drop the cup.

Frowning, she made her way towards the living room and saw that Hitch was awake with a horrified expression on her face.

The girl was currently studying her white top and looking it over, finding that one of the white, sheer sleeves of it had been torn off messily.

"Who the fuck did this?" the girl asked in hysterics.

"To be honest, you probably did this to yourself." Marlowe said as he laid on the couch and scrolled through his phone.

Hitch only glared at him and made her way towards the kitchen for water.

"Stupid bowl cut." she grumbled out.

After throwing up for what seemed to be an eternity, Armin hobbled out of the bathroom with his arm slung over Y/n's shoulder. The girl held him up, and the two traversed through the hallways to make it to Eren's backyard to get some much needed fresh air.

Armin sighed as the two passed through the living room's corridor. He lamented the sad state of his sunflowers that Y/n had gifted him, which were all on the floor, scattered and withered as the delicate yellow petals pressed into the wood.

The two made it outside into the cold morning air and sat on the edge of one of the backyard's raised steps, and Y/n had brought a blanket to wrap around herself and Armin. She let the boy rest his weary head on her shoulder and she held out Armin's water for him, which the blonde graciously accepted.

Armin downed the whole thing and then set the cup down. After a few seconds, he spoke.

"Do you remember anything from last night? Because I don't."

Y/n sighed and said no.

Armin's brows knitted together and he whined softly as he rested close to the crook of Y/n's neck.

"How did you not throw up?" he questioned curiously and Y/n laughed. She looked at the blonde.

"I actually did, earlier. I think you were passed out at that point."

"What?! Awww..." Armin groaned out miserably as he snaked his arms around the girl and hugged her apologetically. "I was supposed to take care of you."

Y/n only smiled down softly at the boy and petted his hair.

"It's fine, Min. It's not your responsibility to have to babysit me," she said. "Besides, Jean was there, so I wasn't alone. He told me that he would help his older brother all the time whenever he was hungover so he knew how to deal with that sort of thing."

Armin's hold around the girl loosened, and he let go. He lifted his head up and looked away, suddenly feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry." He apologized and Y/n was confused on why.

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