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THAT SATURDAY NIGHT, the sudden ringing of a phone grabbed at Naruto Uzumaki's frantic attention

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THAT SATURDAY NIGHT, the sudden ringing of a phone grabbed at Naruto Uzumaki's frantic attention. He searched for it inside his bedroom now, following the rather obnoxious ringtone until it led him to his bed. Seeing your name light up on the screen made the Uzumaki almost grin as he fell onto the soft mattress with almost giddy and shaking legs. 

By now, he had made peace with the fact that he was indeed very much in love with you - to the point where he had grown somewhat obsessed and absolutely smitten by every single little thing about you. He felt like a teenager all over again - getting overly excited over something as unimportant as a phone call.

Now, he pressed the answer button with a fast tap! of his fingers. A short moment passed, as he waited for the signal to connect. This time, Naruto could not stop the forcing grin to adorn his face, the flash of perfect white teeth enticingly peculiar. He eyed your pretty features to show up on the screen, then. The smile you gave him was small; albeit just as warm.  As you stared at him with such kindness, he wanted to plant a kiss onto that pretty mouth of yours right through the screen.

"Hi, Naru.", you spoke, and he nearly melted at the little pet name you had decided to gift him like every other time your lips moved to speak it.

"Hey. What's up?", he answered with a quiet murmur, trying to wipe the stupid grin off his face.

"Nothing much...", you trailed off unsurely before looking at him again through the screen. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip, and at the sight - Naruto's dick nearly flexed inside his trousers with sickening want. He could tell that you had more to say, and so he waited patiently as his palm readjusted the rather annoying hardness which had tightened the many layers of clothes he had on.

// I'm awful... //

Christ, he was one lucky man that you were completely oblivious of the power you held over him. There was not a woman on this very Earth that could make him react in such a strong way like you did. It was as if his body was made to answer your calls. And not just his body - Naruto's whole being had started to breathe - had started to live for you. 

Now, he watched as your lips parted once more to speak your mind, proving him right, 

"Well, to be completely honest... I called to check up on you. I really want you to have fun tonight, you know?"

// Considerate, caring... Oh, I just love you so much. //

He felt the heat of a blush saturate his cheeks a light pink when the fragile thoughts managed to protrude his scattered mind. Naruto was indeed terribly nervous about meeting new people tonight. Without you to stand by his side and calm his anxiety-dripping nerves, he could only pray to whatever God there was above him that all would go well in the very end.  

"I'll try.", he answered truthfully, "Thanks for checking up on me. I... Really appreciate it."

"Oh, always!", you grinned and he felt his heartbeat pace faster inside his ribcage at the darn smile. Before he could even say anything else, you were quick to continue, "Mind showing me what you're wearing?"

"Sure.", he answered, already picking himself up from the bed with faint puzzlement crossing his sharp features, "Mind if I ask why?"

"I just want to see how good you look.", you answered boldly, however he was quick to spot the faint scarlet to linger on your face. Naruto exhaled deeply at the answer you had given him as he walked across the bedroom, heading towards the full-length mirror. His mother had placed it in the corner when he had first moved in. The Uzumaki had never paid much attention towards it; until now.

"Don't say shit like that, y/n...", he warned, his voice suddenly falling deep with that alluring rasp as he looked at you. You could see the way his eyelids now dropped heavily on his blue eyes; the gaze he was giving you hooded and dark from something you simply could not read through the screen.  

"Like what, Naruto?", you questioned cautiously with a tilt of your head to the side. His answer was quick as he flipped the camera in a way that you could see him whole inside the reflection of the mirror. You could not see his face anymore, as it was covered by his phone when he held it upward,

"The stuff that tempts me...", you could hear him sigh as he continued, "Anyway, how do I look?"

Your eyes nearly devoured him through the screen as you stared at his captivating reflection. He had chosen to wear a light-grey hoodie, the denim jacket going over it perfectly fitting to hug the broadness of his shoulders and strong arms. His trousers were black, and the very best ones he owned. The camera shook slightly when he reached for his favourite baseball cap; putting it on with one fluid motion.

"Damn, son. You look fine as hell.", you pretended to fan your face with your hand dramatically, and could hear his low chuckle a moment later, "You're going to wear the hat?"

"What's wrong with it? Do you not like it?", he was quick to question nervously, and you watched his face peer behind the phone as he looked at himself. His fingers fidgeted over the edge of the baseball cap with visible uncertainty now, "'Cause, I like the hat..."

"Relax! I approve of the hat.", you giggled lowly as he flipped the camera back to show his face. He stared at you expectantly now, his blue eyes searching your own through the screen when you spoke, "You look really good, Naruto."

"What's the score you're giving me?", he replied smugly, visibly satisfied that you liked his appearance. He could not hide his giddy anticipation from you anymore, and you spotted it in the slight quiver of his upper lip as he tried to suppress a smile. You really did help him calm down - at this point, he had nearly forgotten about the sad wreckage he dared call his nerves.

"Mm...", you pretended to think long and hard about it, pressing a finger to your chin, "You get a nine, I suppose."

"Only a nine?"

"You'd get a higher score if I could see you more up-close, you know..."

Now, Naruto eyed the cunning little smirk which was forceful to twist your pouty lips slightly upward. He wanted to devour that sweet little mouth with his own again, he wanted to glide his tongue over your perfect teeth and force it all the way inside until he'd taste the addicting sugar.

"Well...", Naruto trailed off carefully as he stared at the screen with such feverish longing, "Do you want me to swing by later? I probably won't be out for long."

// God, I'm so desperate... //

"That'd be nice."

"Okay, I'll pack a bag... Make sure it's tens across the board when I show up."

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