Chapter 62 - The Rules: God Tower will be built.

Start from the beginning

Soth had no idea that the first demon god had been sealed here. He looked down at the rune sealing Bael and thought that he had finally found a way to overthrow the god of light.


“The god of light …”

Hearing the words of the beastkin god of war, Du Ze looked at the six-winged deity glowing with light and thought that the plot was broken – he cannot believe that the author’s moral integrity has fallen this much!

More and more angels started appearing in the sky. The god of light looked down at Xiu. Eric had borrowed power from the god which enabled him to determine the location of the heretic. It’s only been a few days since the god last saw him yet the heretic has already become a false god. The god of light’s hand on the scepter trembled and turned white. He must eradicate this heretic himself today!

Just as the god of light was about to attack, an invisible presence suddenly spoke – it was difficult to describe the grandness and power of that invisible existence. It is like the power of the world itself, the origin of all orders. It did not speak through sound but rather it directly imprinted its message into the mind of all living beings.

The gnome gods and the elf gods stopped fighting, the dragon and the undead’s battle was interrupted, and all the creatures of the Chaos Continent everywhere stopped whatever they were doing to listen to the words in their minds. That mysterious existence told all the creatures in the Chaos Continent: The Tower of God will be built using divine materials. Only the corpses of the gods are missing. When the Tower of God is built, whoever reaches the top will become a god and the first one who reaches the top will become the Supreme God.

The god of war was amazed and when he looked at god of the beastkin, he could not believe it but he could see that the other had heard the same thing. The beastkin and humans below were bewildered. Though they could not understand what that mysterious existence was, all of them instantly believe what it said, without any doubts in their minds.

—— After the Tower of God is built, you can become a god.

After receiving the information, the god of light hated it so much that his voice began to shake: “The rules, you want to defend that heretic!”

Only “the rules” can force all creatures to obey it. It doesn’t need to explain itself and no one can disobey it. The god of light can imagine how all the people reacted when they received the message from “the rules” – those who climb the Tower of God can become a god. No one can resist that kind of temptation and be able to take the place of the Supreme God. That is the true Supreme God, one recognized by the whole world, not like him who used force to become the leader of the gods.

Almost everyone will obey “the rules” instructions. However, the Tower of God means the death of all the gods. The god of light finally realized why “the rules” had taken the corpse of the beastkin god. “The rules” had planned for their destruction.

The Tower of God will be built, via the Twilight of the Gods.

As the god of the angel race, the god of light is also a target. Compared to the other gods, he knows more. “The rules” is out of control, and it’s all for the heretic!

The wrath of the god of light made beams of light descend on Xiu from the sky. There was almost no gap in between the beams. The beastkin senses are very keen and can prolong their sense of time, thus to Xiu’s eyes those beams descended at a very slow speed. With quick or slow movements, he avoided all the attacks by being precisely where he needed to be.

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