Michida's death

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Michida was walking back from the training grounds with Naruto. They arrived in the house and Naruto shouted, "Tou-san! We're back!" There was no reply. Michida said, "He's probably in a meeting right now, don't worry Naruto." Naruto nodded but didn't feel convinced, Michida walked into the kitchen and Naruto ran up to his room. While he was in the dark corridors he heard voices in his parent's room. "Tou-san? Are you there?" He walked closer to the room and kept hearing the voices. He cracked the door open and peeked through, but couldn't see anyone in there? "Hmm? Maybe I'm just hallucinating, training must've did a number on me." He said while walking back to his room. He opened his door and put all his stuff in the right places. He fell into his bed and grabbed his book to read. After a few minutes of reading he was out cold asleep on the bed.
A few hours later.
Naruto widened his eyes and jolted up. He had heard a loud screech from the corridor and he heard something spill. He ran into the corridor shouting, "Kaa-san! Tou-san!" 'What the hell happened?!' He thought. He stopped at his parent's door and felt something warm on his feet. He looked down and saw a red liquid coming from the room and stopping at his feet. 'What? Is this?' "AHHHH!! BLOOD!!" He bolted the door and saw his mom's lifeless body on the ground with a sword in her back and her head, which was decapitated, roll to feet. He looked into her eyes and saw that her Mangekyō Sharingan was activated. 'What? Kaa-san? Who would do this to you? What happened?' He thought. He saw a shadow on top of his mother's body and shouted, "Who are you!? Why did you kill her?!! She's done nothing wrong!!" "I wanted to test my power against an Uchiha. I guess the strongest female Uchiha is no match for me." "Why you! I'LL KILL YOU!!" Naruto ran at the shadow but when he threw a punch he realised he just hit the air. 'What!? Am I in a genjutsu?' "Kai." Naruto said while doing a half ram seal. "Nothing happened?" He looked around and didn't see anyone in the room except for his mother's dead body and her motionless head near the door. "Kaa-san. I'll avenge you and kill the person who murdered you." He said while crying.

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