Dangers of the Solstice Pt. 2

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Bakugo's POV

It hurt.

It hurt so much.

It felt like my body was on fire. Like my muscles were being pulled from my bones. Tears pricked at my eyes as I wrapped my arms around my stomach and fell the floor, whining in pain. I try to see Kit, but people were surrounding him, and others were surrounding me. I try to cry out but only let out, yet, another painful whine. My ears are ringing and I can't focus on the sound. I realise that their voices are muffled and I see, through blurry vision, that my hearing aids are on the floor. They look like they had been trampled on. They must've fallen out when I collapsed.

I see Dunce, Soy Sauce, Racoon Eyes and Eijiro as they are right in my line of sight. The others I can't see as clearly. I know that this feeling isn't like what I experienced previously but the pain is similar. The moonlight is burning my skin. Trying to make me change. As I'm not fully concealed in the light, I'm not changing into my werewolf state but the pain I experienced from last time, two years ago, is there. I want it to stop.

I try to stand but I fall back down again. I start to cry more and more. I can see the concerned looks on my friends faces. I feel like passing out. I feel my head droop from side to side and roll along my shoulders. I look over to my older brother and see that he has Kitsuki in his arms; passed out. Kit always seems to be the first of us to pass out. I try to stay awake but I end up passing out just as quickly.

----- Time Skip is by Bakugo's side-----

When I eventually wake up, I was introduced to the most head splitting headache I could ever have. I look around and see that I'm in a strange white room, in white clothes, without my brother. I can't tell whether it's night or day but lights are shinning down on me. I see a door on the far wall to my left and next to that, the next wall is a giant window from floor to ceiling. I see a few of my friends, but they don't seem to see me. Kasura is missing. Probably gone to check on Kit. It takes me a while but I eventually realise where I am. The smells are familiar. The sounds are familiar. Wait. Sounds?! I thought my hearing aids were destroyed?! Panicking, I move my hands to my ears and realise that I've got hearing aids. I look at my hands and my claws are gone. So are my wolf ears and tail.

What the fuck is going on?!

I walk over to the window. I go to knock three times, so that the tinted window will allow them to see me, but I hear them talking.

"Is he going to be OK?" Eijiro.

"What happened to him?!" Ponytail.

"Shouldn't Aunty be here?" Deku.

"I want to see him." Sensei.

I take a deep breath and only let it go once the window clears up and I can see my friends. I smile slightly and wave at them. They wave back.

"I want to talk to him. Make sure he knows what's going on." Aizawa orders. "Bakugo? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah." I nod. "Can you hear me?"

Aizawa nods. Good. At least we know we are able to communicate with each other.

"What happened?" I ask.

"We were at the dorms and, we mustn't've concealed the windows properly as moonlight was, somehow, burning your skin. Your brother was already passed out. Kasura called your parents and we followed you here." Aizawa explains.

"How did I get here?"

"A strange black van came and picked you up. We were allowed to come with so we all went into the vans too." Dunce adds.

"We were worried about you, still are." Eijiro sighs. He places his hand on the glass and I, subconsciously, do the same thing.

"How did you guys manage to get rid of my ears and tail, and all my other wolf features?" I ask again.

"That was my doing." a strange voice says as the figure joins the crowd.

The figure has broad shoulders and white hair. His eyes are a startling electric blue and they seem to judge me, making me feel uncomfortable. He's also wearing a black uniform. I see another 3 figures join his side; Kasura, the Hag and the Old Man. They are all wearing army styled clothing. What is going on?!

"Hag?! Old Man?! Kasura?! What are you doing here?! What is going on?!" I'm starting to panic.

"Katsuki. We need you to calm down." The Hag begins. "This is professor Asahi Hinata. He believes he has found a way to cure you and your brother from this curse."

"But you can't heal me. It's a curse for a reason. It can't be broken. If it could then we would have already broken it by now!" I'm panicking again. I'm scared and that is something I would never openly admit to any one. I realise that my hand is still with Ei's on the glass. I look at him and he seems to notice the fear in my eyes.

I watch as my parents talk to the Asahi guy. He turns back toward the screen and I watch as he talks to the other guy that is at the control panel. They agree on an action as the guy presses a button and a sky light opens up. I look up and see the moon. Right above me.

I continue to panic. My heart is racing. My blood is pumping. My fight or flight instinct kicking in. I try to use my quirk but it's not working. Did being burnt by the moonlight rid me off my quirk?! I feel a stabbing pain in my head. I grab both sides of my head and start to cry out in pain. I shake my head around before collapsing to my knees. It hurts. It hurts so much. I look through half closed eyes and see Aizawa sensei arguing with the people. My friends. My family. My boyfriend. All looking on with fearful expressions and yelling.

I watch as the light is shut off, signalling that the sky light has closed. Now, I'm lying there. On my side. Weak. Sore. Scared. I don't want to feel like this anymore. Next thing I know, the door slides open and my class and family come rushing to my side before I black out once more.

1116 words.

Thanks for reading this far! and Sorry for the really late update. I've just completely finished 1 subject at school and still waiting on confirmation on another. 

Hope you all understand.

Thanks for all of the reads, comments, votes and support on this story as well as my other stories, such as Diseased!

Thanks for 69k reads on Diseased!

I love you all!

- ShinKamiShipster

We're all defectiveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora