I can't See

274 19 7

Kirishima POV

We all watch as Bakugo stands at the gates with Aizawa-Sensei and Principal Nezu. A few seconds later, a white car pulls up and Bakugo walks over and hops in. Once the car takes off, we're all just standing there, shocked about how Bakugo seemingly went home without a fight. We all return back to our desks but my mind once again wanders to Bakugo. Is he alright? It defiantly wasn't normal to be bleeding from your ears. He seemed to be in pain, as he was crying a fair bit. Heck! He threw his gauntlets to the ground and practically hugged Aizawa-Sensei! He never does that! I guess it could kinda explain why he was acting so weird yesterday. Maybe something is going on at home that is placing a lot of stress and pressure on him.

Aizawa-Sensei walks in at that exact moment and whispers something to All Might before the No. 1 Hero made his exit. Well, that's when everyone started asking questions.

"Where's Bakugo?"

"What happened to, Bakugo- kun?"

"Is Bakubro OK?"

"Is Kacchan sick? Injured?"

"Sensei! No one is supposed to bleed from their ears, right?"

"Alright. Alright. I know you all have a lot of questions but I was asked by Bakugo not to say anything until he was ready to talk."

The class seemed ready to argue and persuade him to tell but it was clear that he wasn't gonna cave so easily. I feel my eye twitch and a scratching pain hits. I didn't think twice about it before I slapped my hand over my eye. Everyone looks at me, confused.

What do I say...?! What do I say?!? Think, Eijiro, think!

"Mr. Aizawa? Could I go to the bathroom, please?"

"Of course."

I run out the room, eye half closed. I make a straight beeline for the boy's bathroom. Once there, I throw open the door and stand in front of the mirror. I look at myself and see my eye starting to go red. I curse under my breath and start trying to take them out. I'm struggling a bit as I can't get a grip on them and they keep moving.

Shit... Crap...


I could not have timed that reaction better. The door opens and I stop what I'm doing to see Todoroki walk in. I stand there with my hand over my eye, once more.


"Kirishima-kun. What are you doing...?"

"Uh... nothing!"

"Doesn't look like nothing. You were playing with your eye and you seemed pretty persistent with doing whatever you are trying to do."

"sigh. If I tell you, you can't tell anyone else, got it?"

"Alright. You can trust me."

"I-I can't... Sigh... I can't get my contact out."

"You wear contacts...?"

I remove my hand and reveal my half closed, red eye.

"That looks painful."

"It is... I must've rubbed my eye during training and it shifted. If I keep it in for too long, like this, my eye will get infected, even redder and more painful."

"Would you like me to take you to Recovery Girl?"

"Um... yes please."

I leave the bathroom, following Todoroki and we make our way to recovery Girl's office. On the way there, I find myself thinking about Bakubro again. Todoroki must've been thinking the same thing as he voices his thoughts.

"What do you think happened to Bakugo-kun?"

"I don't know, but bleeding from the ears is defiantly not normal, right?"

"Not at all. We're here."

We step through the doors and smile at Recovery Girl. She smiles at us in return. Todoroki waves and leaves, saying that he'll tell Aizawa why I'm not in class. I sit on the edge of the singular hospital bed and RG pulls on some rubber gloves. This was defiantly something that wouldn't need any quirk.

"So, what happened, young Kirishima?"

"I think my contact has shifted."

"I see. Well. We can't leave it like that any longer, can we?"


She grabs a small hand held flashlight and shines it in my red eye. She does this to try and catch the glistening effect that my contact gives off. Once she's found the location, she holds my hand and guides my finger to the location and moves my hand to make me remove my contact. I put the contact in a little container she handed me, and drop it into the liquid that will clean it.

She's got a bottle in her hands and explains that they're drops that will heal my eye from any possible irritation that my contact could've caused. I grab the bottle, tilt my head back and put two drops in my eye. I level my head once more and blink a few times. My vision looks weird, as I can see perfectly out of my left eye but my right eye gives me a greyish, blurry vision with black spots. My eyes must look so weird; ruby coloured left eye and an almost white right eye. I sigh once more.

"Excuse me, Recovery Girl...?"


"Am I able to wear my contact again?"

"Not today, at least not for an hour, but you'll be fine to head back to class."

"I can't..."

"Why not?"

"Well... you see, I haven't told anybody else about my eye and the only people that know are my parents, you and Principal Nezu..."

"Oh... Well, you can't skip class just because of your eye, Kirishima."

"I know... Is there anything you can do...?"

"The most I could do is give you an eye patch but that would draw more attention to yourself than showing your blind eye. You know that, right?"

I let out an annoyed sigh and fall back on the bed. Why does life have to throw so many obstacles in my way?! All I wanna do is just have a normal life. A life where I can see from both eyes, limit the complications in my life, know what's wrong with Bakugo and maybe even confess my feelings to him without life getting in the way.

I stare at the ceiling and lay there for a little while longer, thinking about what I could tell them. I'm not going into class with an eyepatch, but I don't want to show them my blind eye. Maybe I could stay here for the hour that I need for my eye to heal and then go back to class afterwards.

But they'll get suspicious of you.

I know but what else am I supposed to do?!

Tell them what's wrong. I mean if you want to confess to Bakugo, in which would take more courage, you could start by telling the class about your vision.

I make a compelling point. I never knew I could persuade myself into doing things. Huh...

I guess that's what I'll do...

"Could I stay here for the hour, RG? I won't be a pain. Plus, I'll probably just end up coming back again because I might've fallen down the stairs and broken my arm or leg, I could've run into a wall and cut myself. My depth perception is all over the place."

Recovery Girl gives me a look. She sighs with a smile. It's a yes.

"Thank you, RG! Thank you!"

1209 words.

When do you think Kiri is gonna tell the class?

What do you think the class will say when Bakugo returns?

Is Bakugo's personality/ Attitude gonna change towards everyone?

Don't forget to vote and comment! Both are welcome and extremely appreciated!

Love ya all! Your new Australian friend; ShinKamiShipster!

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