I'm free... Sorta

244 19 3

Kirishima's POV

I'm sitting in the cafeteria with my squad, when Shinso walks over. I catch Denki's reaction and see his bright smile turn into one of hatred and disgust. He was clearly upset about what the boy did to him. Everyone had heard the conversation the two shared last night. No one knows exactly what happened but whatever it was, Shinso was trying to apologise and make up for it but Denki was in a cloud of hatred and didn't want to talk or see him.

"Can... Can I talk to you for a minute, Denki...? It's really important...!" Shinso pleads with hope.

"Five minutes is all you get. Nothing more." Denki hisses, venom in his words.

The duo makes their way out into the hall. We don't know what they are talking about but from their body language, Shinso seems really desperate to make up for what he did and Denki was standing there, arms crossed, almost acting like Bakugo. They start to yell and as we watch, we see Denki raise his hand and smack Shinso across the face. Denki storms off and out of sight. Shinso slumps off in the other direction.

We all look at each other and wonder what we can do to calm him down. We all get up and go to follow Denki. No one knows where he's gone but I do. He's my best friend. He told me about his safe space where he likes to go when he's upset, angry or scared or just wants to be alone. It's a small space, hidden around the side of the building, near the dorms. It was a place secluded by pink weeping willows.

I guide the others around to that place. They promise not to tell anyone when we near the trees. We approach the trees and, pushing through the leaves, we enter a beautiful place. A small pond, butterflies and flowers of all shapes and colours and sitting in the middle, was our very own Denki Kaminari. We approached him and I sat by his side.

"This place really is beautiful." I sigh as the group sat with us.

"What's wrong with me, Kirishima...?"

I was shocked. He would usually say something to reply but no. He would usually call me Kiri or Kiribro or dude or Sharky but he called me Kirishima.

"Nothing's wrong with you, Denks."

"Then why did Shinso cheat on me with Monoma...?"

"WhAt?! He cheated on you?!" Mina cries.

"That's harsh." Sero sighs.

"Why didn't you tell us...?!" I add.

"I don't know. He was trying to explain the situation to me but I over reacted and lashed out." Denki says sadly, practically on the verge of tears.

"You were just blinded by anger, Kami. It's OK. You don't need to worry."

"Do you think he hates me because I have mild anxiety, ADHD and Dyslexia...? I'm I really that... Defective?"

"What?! Denks! You are far from defective! Look at me! I'm half blind for crying out loud!"

That causes a small smile to grow on his lips. We sat there for a little longer before the bell signalled the start of next lesson.

-----Time skip is the proud sponsor of Kirishima and Tetsutetsu being a brotherly ship-----

It was the end of the day and everyone was sitting in the common room when a knock came to the door. I got up to answer it only to see Shinso standing there, looking more tired than usual. He seemed to be holding onto a single thread and the weight of this was bringing him down so low as his posture was slouched.

"Can I please have a word with Kaminari...?" he sighs tiredly.

"When are you going to give this up, Mind Fuck?" Bakugo growls from behind me.

"I know this might be getting annoying but I really need to talk to him and explain the situation. I hope it will clear somethings up. Please just let me talk to him...!"

"You're really not gonna let this go are you? You've hurt Kaminari enough. Just leave him be." Bakugo slams the door after pushing past me.

A knock is on the door once more. This time I open it up to see a really pissed of Shinso.

"Let me talk to him or I'll tell everyone about that day in the Support Course when you came to see Hatsume, as I can already sense, you haven't told them."

This must've been some sort of threat to Bakugo as it caused him to soften and allow the purple haired male inside. Bakugo even left the room and stormed off to lock himself in his own. Denki enters the room not a moment later. When he sees the other boy, he tries to turn on his heel and leave.

"Denks! Wait! Please! Give me a minute to explain!"

"Fine. 1 minute."

"I didn't mean to cheat on you. It wasn't intentional. I had no say in the situation at all."

We all just watched as the scene unfolds.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?!"

"Monoma! He copied my quirk and used it against me! He's obsessed with me and when he saw me with you, he got extremely jealous and wanted to ruin what we had so that he could be with me. I had no memory of the event until, Kendo told me what she saw...! I promise I had nothing to do with it and I never wanted to hurt you, Denks! I love you too much to do that to you on purpose. You gotta believe me!"

I watched as Denki approached the boy with an angry expression. He jabbed his finger into the boy's chest.

"Well guess what. Tell Monoma that he can have you. Our love is terminated. For good. He can have your sorry ass."

With that, Denki stormed out of the common room and grumbled something along the lines of 'I'm going for a walk' and left the room. Everyone just stared at Shinso's downcast face. He turned on his heel and slumped out of the room.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. You won't have to see me here anymore..."

Just watching the scene unfold made me think about what could possibly go wrong if I ever had the courage to ask Bakugo out. Would he act like Monoma and me Denki? Would Bakugo do that to me...? Maybe I'm overthinking everything to try and get my mind off of him. To make my mind think that I'm not good enough for him.

I love Bakugo with all my heart but I've seen the way that he looks at Midoriya. At Todoroki. At Uraraka. Maybe he's better off with someone who didn't hurt himself because he was a cry-baby... I guess I should just give up with love at this current point. Maybe I could try and help Denki reassess himself and his relationship status. To show him that he doesn't need Shinso to be happy.

To make him feel better...

I run out of the room.

"I'm going to look for Denki, nobody is to follow me, goodbye!"

I had already left hearing range to work out if they replied.

I had to find Denki.

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