I can't hear

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Bakugo's POV

It was another lesson of training and I wasn't looking forward to it at all. My ears are ringing like mad and it's all I can hear. I'm in my hero outfit and waiting for instructions from All Might to proceed. I could only just hear him talking. I think he said that we would be pushing ourselves a little further with our quirks.

I watch as Shitty Hair harden himself so much that he literally looks like rock. This is his new, powerful form; Red Riot Unbreakable. I remember him telling me about this from his experience with Fat Gum and Suneater. Next was Dunce Face. He had managed to go over his limit but ended up dumbing out.

Next was Deku. He was going way beyond his limit, but was managing to hold his own. He then ended up breaking about three fingers, right arm and his left ankle.

Fucking asshole. What an idiot.

My turn. I created a small explosion. Then a medium one. Then a large one. The next one was a mistake. I wasn't thinking. It hurt. It hurt so much that I can't even hear my own breathing.

Am I dead?

No idiot. You're not dead.

My vision starts to blur and I drop to my knees, clutching my ears. The moment my hands made contact with my ears, I pull away and see a crimson liquid covering them. It glistens in the sun and I can't do anything. I sit there. Staring. Mouth a gap. I can't hear anything. I know my heart is beating rapidly, as I can feel it pushing against my rib cage. I feel warm tears roll down my cheeks. I clench my eyes shut and let out a sob. It's finally happened. I've finally done it. Why didn't I ever listen to my parents and the doctors...?! They warned me about this but I just had to ignore. I just have to be stubborn.

I've finally lost my hearing...

I've burst my eardrums...

I feel the blood run from my ears but I sit there, frozen to the ground from shock and fear. I see All Might run towards me, from the corner of my eye. Aizawa and Present Mic are there, too. I didn't realise that they were watching. The rest of the extras come running towards me, too. I look at them with a shock tear stained face. I've never felt so vulnerable. The only person that's ever seen me cry is Deku...

"Bakugo! Bakugo are you all right?"

All Might's voice is no existent.

My hands move on their own. I trace the words; I Can't Hear in the sand and just continue to sit there and cry, not giving a fuck anymore. It was my fault after all. I brought this upon myself. My tears flow more and faster, now. I clench my eyes shut and hang my head. I don't like this. It all seems foreign. Like they're talking in a different language. I don't know what I'm going to do, as I can't read lips or any shit like that. I don't even know sign.

I stand up, throwing my gauntlets to the ground in the process and lifting up my mask, the blood from my ears staining the ends of my hair and the collar of my outfit. I saunter over to Aizawa and just lay my head against his chest, crying even more. I wanna go home. I wanna die.

Maybe you should do just that.

Go home?

No, dumbass!



Aizawa seems to know what's wrong so he guides me away and takes me to Recovery Girl. I feel the eyes of everyone on my back as I move further away. I don't want to suffer from this. The vulnerability. The tears. The pain. The knowledge that I will no longer be able to hear anything anymore. There's one thing on my mind at the moment. That I haven't thought of nor wanted since I was little. I. Want. My. Mother. I just want to go home and cry into her shoulder and let her tell me that everything will be fine. I know it sounds childish and I would never consider it, even if it was the only thing on Earth that I could do, I just need that reassurance.

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