Truth be Told

208 14 3

Kirishima's POV


After what Denki told me about how he felt had me worried. More worried than before.

What am I supposed to do?

He was so in love with Shinso but one mistake caused it all to fall apart. One misunderstanding and it was terminated. I'm scared that I'll do something wrong and Bakugo will hate me forever. I really like him but I don't want to ruin anything that might cause our friendship to be destroyed in the future. I make my way to the dorms and enter the common room. I see Bakugo and take a deep breath. I should tell him how I feel. I should tell him in hopes of hopefully saving me from any pain in the future. If I tell him, now, then I would be able to know if he feels the same, instead of finding him with someone else in the future. I make my way over to him.

"H-Hey, B-Bakugo...?" I stuttered

"What do you want, Shitty hair?" He growled.

"Could I talk to you for a moment...? In p-private...?"

He just looks at me with a sigh before getting up and guiding me to his room. Wait. HiS rOoM?! I start to panic slightly. I was he taking me to his room?! We could've gone outside! I don't realise that I'm blushing like an idiot, until I see Bakugo looking at me with a playful smirk. I shake myself out of my gay panic.

"So? What did you want to tell me?"

"I-I... Um... I..."

Come on Eijiro! Get it together! Just bloody tell him! Just tell him that you-



"I like you, Bakugo... No. Wait. I don't like you. I-I... I... love you. Yeah! I love you Bakugo!"

I stand there, hoping I didn't just ruin our friendship. I'm so scared about what is gonna happen. I don't know what he's gonna say. Wait. Why isn't he saying anything?! Before I know it, Bakugo has his lips smashed against mine in a loving kiss. I'm shocked and still trying to process what he just did. When I eventually do, I melt into it, all my worries wash away. He really does like me. He feels the same way. When we part, I'm left, staring into his scarlet red eyes. The eyes that I seem to so easily get lost in. I see his face soften. He raises his hand and caresses my cheek and trace my scar. The scar above my right eye. He leans in a kisses it. Once he pulls back, I notice something, hidden by his hair. I reach up and move his hair, only to find a black device sitting in his ear. A hearing aid. He pulls away and hides his face.

"It's OK, Bakugo. It's fine."

"But I can't be a hero like this..."

"It doesn't matter. You're a hero in my eyes. And That's all that matters. Right?"

"... Thanks, Eijiro."

He smiles a soft smile and I can't help to let out a big goofy smile, showing of my shark teeth. He lets out a light laugh and I laugh along.

"So... When do we tell people?" I ask.

"Why should we? Let those extras find out for themselves. Let's see how observant they are." Bakugo says with a sidewards smirk.

I smile and agree.

----- Time Skip has been upgraded to premium level-----

The next day, in class, Bakugo slips by my desk and leaves a piece of paper in front of me, in which I snatch and hide from everyone else, immediately. I open it up, under the desk. Written on it, in red pen, is a red heart with mine and Bakugo's initials; K+B. I let a smile access my cheeks and look over at Bakugo. I make a heart with my pointing finger and thumb, pairing it with a smile. I watch him get flustered and turn away. Little do I know that a certain someone was watching.

When the bell goes for the end of the lesson, I run up to Bakugo. He's talking to Midoriya and Todoroki.

"Hey, Bakugo! Midoriya, Todoroki!"

"Hey Kirishima-Kun!" Midoriya beams.

"Hello to you too, Kirishima." Todoroki replies flatly.


"what are you guys up to?"

"All Might has asked Bakugo and me to assist him with a scout during lunch today, along with Yaoyorozu. It's our turn." Midoriya explains.

"I don't want to do it with these extras, but All Might said that we have to learn to work together better."

I forgot about that. Aizawa had explain, a couple of days ago, that we were going to be placed into groups of three and during a lunch session, All Might will collect three students to assist with a scout. I haven't had my turn yet, but I can't wait. I wasn't the only one, though. Mina, Sero and Denki haven't had a turn yet. I hope I get paired up with one of them. But if I don't, then I won't mind. The aim was to work with others.

"Oh! OK! I guess I'll see you guys later then! Have fun and don't kill each other, either. I'm mainly referring to you, Bakubro."

I earn a laugh from Midoriya, a small chuckle from Todoroki and a 'tch' from Bakugo. I'm trying so hard to not call him Bakubabe, Kat or Katsuki when around others as I don't know how everyone would react. As they walk away, I turn and head to the cafeteria.

Completely unaware that someone is following me...

Watching me...

So... I updated! This one was supposed to be happy to try and lift the angst from the other, previous chapters.

Hope you enjoyed.

P.S. I have no idea when the next chapter will arrive.

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