The Hunt

137 5 3

Kirishima's POV

It was time for training. As everyone sat in the stands, watching the one-on-one fights, I'm currently standing in the fighting circle, facing off against Bakugo Kitsuki. I look back and see Kat on the edge of his seat, watching me. He gives me a thumbs up to infer that I have a fighting chance. I return the gesture although in my head I'm absolutely terrified. I've fought with Bakugo before and he's extremely powerful. Kitsuki's quirk is the same as Bakubabe's but with his feet. So now I'm terrified once more.

All Might signals for the fight to begin. I start by hardening my skin as Kitsuki removes his shoes, although they look modified to work with his quirk; like Mina's. I charge at him with my fist raised, but as I get close to him, he creates explosions from his feet and he shoots up into the air. As I'm standing below him, he drops to the ground. I cross my hands over my face to protect myself. He lands on my hardened arms before causing an explosion from his feet and back flipping off, pushing me to the ground, successfully. I land with a grunt and I hear Bakugo curse. I cough and fan the smoke away from my face. When I have a newly cleared vision, I see Kitsuki standing there with a devilish smirk on his face, looking too much like my boyfriend.

I charged at Kitsuki and avoided his attacks perfectly. When I reached him I knocked him to the ground, he hits the dirt hard but wasn't knocked out. All Might signals my win and I reach a hand out to Kitsuki. I smile as he takes my hand with a matching smile. Once he's on his feet, we make our way back to the stands.

"Good Job, Eijiro! Maybe just hit him a little harder next time. He kinda deserves it." Bakugo hisses.

I look over to Kitsuki and back to Kat then back to Kitsuki again. The boy looks hurt and Bakubabe looks like fury is trying to boil over. I feel sorry for Kit, having his brother treat him like that, but I don't know what he did to make Kat act like that towards him. If my sisters treated me like that then I'd be a bit upset too. I sigh and join Katsuki's side as we watch the rest of the fights.

----- Time Skip is letting you in on a little secret-----

That night, I'm woken by the sounds of agonised growls from Katsuki's room and the common room. I don't think much about it but when a loud crash comes from his room, I dart from bed, in only PJ bottoms, to open my door and see everyone else coming from their own dorms, all in their Pyjamas. We look up and down the hall as Aizawa and Shinso enter. We watch as he opens Bakugo's room, only to find his window smashed open and his room in a state of mess like a hurricane went through. Claw marks shredded his sheets and marked the walls. I'm curious so I walk into the lounge to find Kasura on the floor. He looks like he's been attacked. I run to his side, everyone else following a few passes behind.

"Kasura-Kun!" I cry.

"What happened? Where's Kitsuki?" Aizawa asks sternly.

"Is Kat in his room...?!" Kasura panics as I help him up.

"No! Something happened and Kacchan's gone...!" Deku replies.

"And his room is totalled." Denki adds as he lets out a yawn and stretches out his limbs, white Pikachu shirt lifting up to reveal his stomach.

"Great. I told him he should've put this feud aside and let him stay in his room till this passes...! But once again, stubborn Katsuki doesn't listen to a word I fucking say!"

Kasura walks over to the bag that he had brought with him. He opens it up and pulls out a vest. He slips it on and zips it up, I look on with interest with my other peers. It's 11:00pm. Everyone's in their Pyjamas and tired and worn out. The male takes out a case and slips it into one of the many pockets on his jacket. He hangs night vision goggles around his neck but what shocks us all to the core, even Aizawa, is the fact that he pulls out a large sniper gun.

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