As Sweet As Sugar (JeongChanLix) [PART 2]

Start from the beginning

Felix could only smile and nod, trusting things would be alright.


They talked. They talked for a pretty long time, clearing up any doubts, answering any questions, explaining their respective expectations regarding the dynamic they wanted to establish, etc, etc.

Chan and Jeongin were busy people with busy lives. They didn't get as much free time together as they wanted, their schedules often ending up opposing each other, and they were quite stressed because of their jobs. They wanted a more casual relationship on the side, one that would allow them to unwind without having to worry about the other being lonely. They both loved each other dearly, but they had admitted that something had been lacking for quite a while now, both unable to properly spoil the other and desiring to have a third party whom they'd be able to make happy with their money.

It sounded a bit ludicrous to Felix but, then again, he supposed rich people had another way of seeing life – they surely had numerous struggles he couldn't even begin to understand and, if they figured the best way to make their lives better was by adding a sugar baby in it, well, he wasn't about to complain.

Felix informed them of his current financial struggles with more details than he had provided before. He told them of his tuition, of his dorm's cost, of the food he could barely afford and the homework that ended up piling up because of how much time he spent worrying about money and trying to find a job. He also told them that, despite the whole dynamic, he didn't feel comfortable just taking their money in exchange for a few minutes of chatting. He said he wanted to be able to actually do something to earn it, and they easily understood his position, saying they would come up with a way for him to "work" without adding to his stress load or taking up too much of his time.

Until they found out how to do that, however, both parties agreed on simple outings and, if it ever happened, Felix would also accompany them to a few official events (mostly because they found it annoying and there was always one of them dragged away by other important people to discuss boring business). Chan also explained that they would draw up an official contract and send it to him later today, only moving on with their new relationship once Felix had signed it. He insisted that Felix read all of it and, if there was something he didn't like or felt like it was missing, then he was free to ask Chan for some modifications.

And so, it was satisfied with their meeting and eager to get to know them better that Felix finally left the café. They had insisted on paying for their outing despite Felix having been the one to invite them, playfully arguing that he had to start getting used to them paying for his stuff.

Who knows? Maybe this is actually going to work...


Felix ended up signing the contract.

As per Chan's request, he had thoroughly read it, and he even asked Jisung to compare it to his own, just in case. But, as expected, everything in the contract was perfectly decent and reasonable, and so Felix signed it that very evening.

So... Felix now had two sugar daddies.

How did my life become so weird...?

In the following two weeks or so, he didn't see Chan and Jeongin in person again, the two being extremely busy and only able to spare the time to occasionally chat or make a video call. However, as per all parties agreed when signing the contract, Felix still received a weekly allowance. It was a pretty considerable sum but, considering it was just enough to cover the costs of his tuition, rent, and food, and some other basic necessities, he figured he didn't exactly have room to complain.

Thanks to their financial support, Felix was able to finally relax a little, sleep better, and focus on his studies. It truly was freeing, and he thanked Jisung numerous times for getting him involved in this entire scene despite his initial doubts and protests.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now