Chapter Forty Nine

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Monday Aug 15

Detectives McCoy and Lewis arrived at St. Vincent's hospital with the names of two physicians they needed to see about Chiara Sampson's death.

Dean McCoy was usually someone who had confidence enough to approach anyone he needed to with poise and a plan. But in this place – a hospital – he knew he'd go to water. Memories of trips to visit his own Mum always came roaring back with that pungent mix of leaching cleaner and bitter health. He could smell not just the medications that poured out of the pores for those who would call this their last station, but the genuine fear they all carried for how they would end and who would be there to see it.

When it was Katherine McCoy, it was only Dean and the nurses. And though his own memories of his mother were mostly warm, he'd look around at the other beds that contained imminent corpses and wondered what they did right to have a small crowd around their bed.

He felt the sweat patches start to creep under his arms even on the cold August morning that Melbourne presented him with and put his jacket on to cover them.

He'd been told to approach the desk on Ward 3 – the main general medical ward – and ask for Dr. Porter. McCoy would ask for Chiara Sampson's file but he didn't much like his chances of getting it. He knew he might have to rely on Lewis to do some of the talking for him.

They had been standing there for several minutes trying not to look at any of the nurses that rushed by in their frenzy to keep patients well and their NUMs content when he heard a voice from his left side.

'Detective McCoy?'

He turned to see a tall man with glasses standing a few feet away. He had a stern face that invited respect but not enquiry but he stepped forward to shake hands and McCoy returned the invite. His hand was strong and warm. McCoy instantly felt like he'd want this man to have looked after his mother – there were no physicians in the public hospital that had carried such warm authority.

'Dr. Porter? Thank you for your time. This is Detective Harper Lewis.'

Porter extended his hand in the same manner and smiled as he shook Lewis' hand also.

As he turned back to McCoy, the Doctor closed his eyes as he nodded his head as if to thank McCoy for the acknowledgement but hurry him up all the same.

'I'm investigating the death of a young person just over five weeks ago – she wasn't one of your patients, as far as I know.' McCoy steadied the Doctor after he had raised his eyebrows with the initial part of the statement.

'And as I have looked into her acquaintances, the death of someone who was a patient of yours some years ago has become of interest.'

'Oh, yes? And which patient is that, Detective? I have seen quite a few over the years, of course.' McCoy looked quickly across at Lewis and caught the corners of a wry smile. He wasn't easily challenged but the mix of hospital anxiety and efficient snappiness from the doctor had him on the back foot. He continued quickly, to get to the point for all of them.

'A Mrs. Chiara Sampson. She died in August 2004.'

There was an immediate look of recognition on the face of Dr. Porter. It was a soft resignation that McCoy didn't initially get. Porter was nodding gently.

'After all these years, you people finally send someone.'

McCoy squinted and turned his head as if to catch the subtleties that he wasn't getting from the Doctor.

'After all these years – what do you mean, Doctor?'

Dr. Porter moved the clipboard he carried from under one arm to the other and stood up tall.

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