Calm in the Wilderness

Start from the beginning

"Listen Mr Arjun Saxena! If you think I have eyes on your money, you are wrong. I mean dead wrong! I know you are not going inherit a single penny. This business of yours is the only way that you can earn money.!" It was now his turn to be shocked again.  "You think you are so irrestible? Huh? Like just because you have a handsome face that doesn't mean you have the license to feel all high and mighty." That's when I realised I did a mistake. His expression changed from shock to amusement. I decided to turn around and go back inside the mansion but my brain thought otherwise. I look at him again and went towards him again. "And just to answer your question. You are Arjun Saxena, the owner of the Conark industries. You love less spicy food. You have hazel blue eyes that remind people of ocean. You were a reserved kid in your childhood. You tried your very best and topped in your education spheres and yes blue is your favorite colour. Lastly you hate black and I don't know why you are wearing this but I can tell that you are so not comfortable in this. I hope that is enough to tell you if I really know anything about you or just faking it away. Goodbye!" With that being said, I left the garden and went straight inside the party. I didn't even stay back to look at his reaction. To be honest did it really matter? He insulted me. I would have kicked him in the gut for uttering such shit. I was hurt. Arjun was the only one in whom I always felt safe but it all seems so fake now. I saw him in the party after a while. He must have returned after I left him there. Our eyes met a few times but I did what I thought was best for the moment. I avoided him as much as possible. He didn't seem to be bothered by it. Honestly, why should he? I am not someone close to him and to be honest he was right about not trusting me. I mean that is what was normal right. I was a stranger who suddenly got close to his family. Anyone would be bothered by this and he had a lot of responsibilities on his shoulder. I sighed and made myself busy amongst the crowd.

The party ended quite late. Mansi and Abhay seemed very tired due to this whole event. I saw Mansi yawning while Abhay held her by her waist and looked at her with eyes that were filled with love. "The party was so good but it way too exhausting." Said Mansi. I can understand that the next thing she wants to do is take off her jewellery and go off to sleep. Just then I heard Abhay say something that made me blush so hard.

"You are exhausted so soon? Wonder what you will do later tonight." Those words literally made me blush hard. It wasn't addressed to me but still it felt so strange. That's what happens when you are love deprived I guess. I found Gayathri Devi coming towards us. It was time for me to go from this place because I couldn't tolerate myself in the same roof with Arjun.

"Ma'am, I think it's time for me to leave. It's already very late." I said to her softly. I felt Arjun's gaze right at me. It made me feel really uncomfortable given the circumstances I faced. It was better that we didn't stay close to each other for long. Gayatri Devi didn't say anything. She looked at me for a while and then she said.

"Ok. Tell me where do you stay. I will ask my driver to drop you off." Her words hit me hard. I didn't have any place to go to. It's very late and I don't have the money to get myself a room in any hotel as well. I had no choice but to keep quiet. She seems to have understood my silence. "You will stay here. We can talk tomorrow." I felt she has realised something about me. Did she by any chance hear our conversation? I wanted to protest but she raised her hand and stopped me from saying anything further. Nandini was called in and I was lead to my room. It was the same guest room which I was given for changing my clothes. I changed into a blue pajama suit that Nandini gave me. It felt like feather to be honest. A lot of things have happened tonight. What astounded me more was such a change in Arjun's behaviour. What might be the reason for it? I was thinking all this when suddenly I heard a tap from outside.

"Hello?" I asked but silence answered me.

"Is there anyone here?" Determined I went out of my room to check if everything was ok or not. I came outside to the main hall when suddenly I saw a man draped in black came inside Gayathri villa. He stood right in front me and chills ran down my spine. He was covered in black all over. Although I was unable to recognise his face, but his eyes seemed scary. It felt as if I knew those eyes. My legs froze and I lost the power to shout. "Who...
Who are you?" I asked. I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible in order to hide the fear the person in front of me has inculcated. He didn't speak to me but instead kept a note on the table and went away. It seemed that he was swifter than I had expected. I chased him down but it was all in vain. I took the note in my hand returned to my room. What the hell just happened? In a hurry, I unfolded the note. Opening the note, I shivered to the core.

"We finally met my love. I will kill him for you and then finally you will be mine." The note was written in blood. Who was he? How did he know me. That's only possible if he was someone who was from the real world as well. Suddenly I heard a sound  Something must have fallen on the floor. I saw a paper tied to a piece of stone. I looked around again thinking that the masked man must have returned again. On finding nothing, I opened the note- this time I was more shocked.

"The game has begun.
I am unable to help you here.
But only you can save him.
Save him from this story and give him a happy ending...I rest Arjun's fate in your hands.

Yours Ayu."

Does that mean the man in the black robe wants to kill Arjun?

I am so sorry for being so late in updating the story. A lot of things were going round my head and was losing the motivation to write. I hope this will interest you to read this story again. Thank you for giving this story a lot of views. More than I had expected. Hopefully you all will keep loving the following chapter.

Thank you. :)

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