Chapter 16: The Giant Enemy Spider, Why is Everything Exploding?!

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** setting/facial/emotional change
'' thinking
() author notes
[] reading
Words spell casting _______________________________________________________________________________________

*Streets of Axel*

Panic, fear, mayhem, distress. These are all words that could describe the state of the town after the alarm was sounded. And over and over this same messaged was blasted out by Luna.

Luna: *emergency broadcast* Destroyer alert! Destroyer alert! The mobile fortress, Destroyer, is currently approaching this city! All citizens must evacuate immediately! Adventurers, equip yourselves and report to the guild! 

Feeling the sense of danger, I rushed over to the mansion. With a crack of the reins, Boga went galloping down the streets towards the mansion as she managed to hit any of the citizens running in a frenzy in the town. It wasn't long before a new message was broadcast.

Luna: *emergency broadcast* All citizens must evacuate immediately! Adventurers, equip yourselves and report to the guild!

Suddenly, a number of adventurers started head towards the guild, away from where I was going.

Random Adventurer: *shocked* Hey! Where ya going?! The guild is this way!

(Y): *stern* I have to go check on my party first!

I kept riding on as in a matter of seconds, I came upon the mansion as I saw Kazuma, Darkness, Megumin, Astarte, Yui, Tiko, and Aqua all standing outside. The odd thing about it was that Aqua was pulling a cart with a lot of our possessions inside it.

Aqua: *worried* Well don't just stand there, start gathering our stuff, we got to leave!

Astarte: *relieved* Look, (Y/N)'s back!

I pulled up to the mansion as I yanked on Boga's reins to get her to stop.

(Y): *shocked* What's going on, why are you guys packing up everything?

Aqua: *scared* Didn't you hear, the Mobile Fortress Destroyer is coming this way! 

Kazuma: *confused* The what?

Megumin: *packing up* The Mobile Fortress Destroyer. It'll be suicide to fight something so fearsome. 

Kazuma: *upset* Can someone tell me what a destroyer is?!

(Y): *stern* More importantly, can you tell me why you are choosing to run away from this while so many other people are planning to give up their lives to fight this thing? Shouldn't we stick by those we see everyday in the guild? 

Darkness: *stern* The Destroyer is an ancient weapon, and wherever it storms through, it leaves nothing but grass.

Astarte: *stern* We've even heard talk of it in my kingdom. It's said to be able to scale mountains in mere minutes, maybe even seconds if it doesn't reduce them to rubble. 

(Y): *stern* I'm not about to about to abandon the town we've defeated a demon general for just because some robot is coming this way.

Kazuma: *stern* He's right, we have to go to the guild!

Aqua: *shocked* Don't tell me you've gone crazy too!

Kazuma: *dramtic* We worked our asses to the bone for this house, and I'm not about to let anything happen to it!


We made our way back to the guild as we did bring Yui and Tiko, but I also brought Boga in case things didn't work out well. My plan would be to let Astarte, Yui, and Tiko escape on Boga, and if possible the others as well. We went inside as we saw a large number of adventurers already gathered here, many of which I remember seeing from both the cabbage harvest and our battle with Beldia.

A Gray Jedi in Another World (Konosuba Harem x Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя