Chapter 12: Through the Fire and the Fairies, Never Piss off a Loving Mother

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** setting/facial/emotional change
'' thinking
() author notes
[] reading
Words spell casting _______________________________________________________________________________________

*Middle of the woods*

*1st pov* 

It's been a little over a month since I adopted my little Yui, and yet I'm still no closer to finding the fairies. I don't want to let her down, but I feel like deep down she's already given up hope. I've been exploring various forests for days, sometimes with my party, others with Shion if I could find her, but many times all on my own. Yui means the world to me and I can't help but feel like a failure if I can't give her the one thing she truly wants. I was currently riding on Boga, mapping uncharted areas of forest that most travelers end up avoiding due to threats of dangerous beasts. I can't take them on myself, but at least on Boga I can escape quickly. Some days I would go without food or water, and sometimes I'd go without sleep. I've traveled far from Axel, probably outside of the kingdom itself looking for her home. I usually don't take Yui with me, but at times when I feel like I'm close I'll have her come with our party, hoping that maybe this time she can find her mother and let the dark past of her capture be behind her. Even if she chooses to leave me to live with her mother, it will have been worth it to see little Yui smile one last time. 

These woods in particular have been very........unique. The trees would tower high into the sky and the air always had a fog about it that made it hard to see the tops of the trees. I would have to ignite my lightsaber at times just to shed a little light, no doubt the trees block out the sunlight down here.

 I would have to ignite my lightsaber at times just to shed a little light, no doubt the trees block out the sunlight down here

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(Y): *sighs* You'd never expect a city of fairies to be hard to find.

Boga: *trills and yips*

(Y): *stern* Not likely, even if it was magically hidden, I should be able to feel its presence with the least I think I would.

Boga: *yips and roars*

(Y): *shakes head* Maybe, still we should keep checking the woods, it's one of Yui's only descriptions of her home. "A city of fairies hidden in the trees." Those were her words.

Boga: *growls* 

(Y): *stern* Well excuse me for trying to have a conversation here, I'm not the one initiating it.

Boga: *roars*

(Y): *upset* Like you're one to roar, you're doing the same to me, acting like either of us can understand each other, we're both the crazy ones here.

*sighs* Yes, with Boga being my only companion at times, I've sort of dissolved into having a "conversation" with him so to keep my mind working. I was about to give up once again and head back home when suddenly, I found something near the ground. A small blood covered sword as I inspected it. It wasn't anything special, just a normal sword, I think I even saw a few beginner adventurers wielding swords just like this. 

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